OK Policy is an independent non-profit. We advance equitable and fiscally responsible policies leading to expanded opportunity for all Oklahomans through nonpartisan research, analysis, and advocacy.

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2023 Census data: Oklahoma ranks as sixth poorest state

Lawmakers have options to improve Oklahomans’ well-being, access to prosperity Data from the Census Bureau’s 2023 American Community Survey released Sept. 12 show that Oklahoma’s poverty rate was 15.9 percent, which was the nation’s sixth highest. The national poverty rate in 2023 was 12.5 percent, and Oklahoma’s ranking among states worsened from eighth to sixth


Statement: SQ 832 election date is longest delay for a state question in past 10 years

The 21-month span between Gov. Stitt announcing the SQ 832 election date and the election itself is more than six times longer than the median time for all other state question elections during the last 10 years.


Will recommendations from immigrant-focused task force get traction this session? (Capitol Update)

While HB 4156 gave state law enforcement officers the authority to arrest people who are found in Oklahoma without legal authority to be in the U.S., the "Oklahoma State Work Permits and Visa Task Force” has issued recommendations towards a more balanced approach to the immigration issue.