Who We Are

Who We Are

The Oklahoma Policy Institute seeks to create a more equitable Oklahoma through its nonpartisan policy research, analysis, and advocacy. OK Policy encourages critical conversations through data-driven research and outreach regarding state policy so that every Oklahoman has equitable opportunities to thrive. 

Our efforts are driven by the belief that knowledge is power. We aim to equip and empower all our state’s residents with the ability to make informed decisions about our state government through data-driven research, policy analysis, and community outreach. We widely distribute our original and fact-based policy research through accessible publications and platforms with the goal to inform public debates and spur public engagement on policy issues. Our outreach work strengthens community connections and provides resources to assist everyday Oklahomans as they advocate for themselves and their community to ensure all Oklahomans can be healthy, safe, and thrive.

Our Mission

OK Policy advances equitable and fiscally responsible policies that expand opportunity for all Oklahomans through non-partisan research, analysis, and advocacy.

Our Vision

Our Vision is an Oklahoma where:

  • Public institutions have the resources necessary to fulfill their mission, supported by a tax code where everyone contributes their fair share without undue hardship.
  • Everyone has a chance at a decent job that pays a living wage with family and sick leave. Everyone has access to affordable transportation, can always find safe housing and enough to eat, and can be financially secure in retirement. An unexpected expense is not a financial disaster.
  • All children are raised in stable and healthy families, with access to high-quality, affordable child care and great public schools. Childrens’ opportunities are not limited by their race or their families’ income.
  • Everyone can go to a doctor when they get sick, access needed medications, and get the resources, care, and information they need to achieve and maintain good physical and mental health. Life expectancy is not determined by zip code.
  • The justice system focuses on what works to prevent crime and promote genuine public safety, while respecting the humanity of those who get in trouble with the law. Justice system outcomes are not distorted by poverty and race. Everyone has equal access to civil justice.
  • Everyone has the opportunity to exercise their democratic rights. Those who have been historically marginalized have a voice, and our elected officials reflect the diversity of our state.


In our efforts to promote equitable and fiscally responsible policies that expand opportunity for all Oklahomans, OK Policy collaborates with three national networks of state-level policy research organizations, the State Priorities Partnership the Economic Analysis and Research Network (EARN), and the KIDS COUNT Network.





Together Oklahoma is a nonpartisan coalition of businesses, organizations, and citizens coming together to advocate for responsible budget and tax policies.

Open Justice Oklahoma seeks to improve understanding of our justice system through cutting-edge analysis of public data.

KIDS COUNT uses data to promote smart policies on issues affecting child well-being.


OK Policy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We do not receive funding from federal, state, or local government.

Our work is supported by grants from national and local foundations, including:

OK Policy is also grateful for the contributions we receive from hundreds of individuals, organizations, and businesses in Oklahoma. You can help support OK Policy by making a tax-deductible contribution from our online donation page or by mailing a check to:

Oklahoma Policy Institute
907 S. Detroit, Suite 1005
Tulsa, OK 74120

Contact Executive Director Shiloh Kantz at (918) 406-5720 or skantz@okpolicy.org to discuss giving opportunities.

Non-Discrimination Policy

OK Policy is fully committed to cultural diversity and equal employment opportunity. It is OK Policy’s procedure to make employment opportunities available to a wide-range of diverse individuals without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, HIV status, any condition defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), marital or parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or citizenship status. OK Policy is committed to providing a work environment free of bias based on the above classifications, and to complying with the ADA and the policies and directives of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, to the extent applicable.

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