An overview of our work on Race & Equity Issues
Oklahomans of color still face huge gaps in wealth, health, and opportunity. These gaps reflect a long history of violence and discrimination, as well as continuing state and national policies that disproportionately arrest and incarcerate Oklahomans of color, suppress wages, deny health coverage for Oklahomans who need it, and neglect our public schools even as the task of educating children is made far more difficult by the effects of poverty and discrimination. We work to uncover these disparities and support policies that bring us closer to racial justice, equity, and opportunity for all Oklahomans.
See all of our race and equity research here.
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Featured Articles and Reports
Tulsa Race Massacre: After the national spotlight fades ….

Reducing Oklahoma’s court fines and fees is police reform

Millions of dollars in court debt hang over residents of Oklahoma’s poorest neighborhoods

Lawmakers must confront racial disparities head-on as they reform the justice system

OK PolicyCast Episode 15: Oklahoma’s Racial Wealth Gap