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FY 2015 Budget Highlights

The FY 2015 Budget Highlights is one of the most informative and accessible ways to track Oklahoma’s public spending. [More...]

In The Know: States’ refusal of Medicaid expansion leads Mercy to lay off 300 workers

In The Know is a daily synopsis of Oklahoma policy-related news and blogs. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. You can sign up here to receive In The Know by e-mail or… Read more [More...]

In The Know: Treatment of immigrants divides Tulsa police and sheriff’s office

In The Know is a daily synopsis of Oklahoma policy-related news and blogs. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. You can sign up here to receive In The Know by e-mail or… Read more [More...]

In The Know: New Oklahoma law requires class before many divorces

In The Know is a daily synopsis of Oklahoma policy-related news and blogs. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. You can sign up here to receive In The Know by e-mail or… Read more [More...]

In The Know: Governor signs state budget bill, dozens of other measures

In The Know is a daily synopsis of Oklahoma policy-related news and blogs. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. You can sign up here to receive In The Know by e-mail or… Read more [More...]

In The Know: DHS to miss child welfare goal; needs more foster homes, lower caseloads

In The Know is a daily synopsis of Oklahoma policy-related news and blogs. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. You can sign up here to receive In The Know by e-mail or… Read more [More...]

In The Know: Common Core repeal bill could violate state Constitution

In The Know is a daily synopsis of Oklahoma policy-related news and blogs. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. You can sign up here to receive In The Know by e-mail or… Read more [More...]

State Question

State Questions are measures to change Oklahoma laws or the state constitution that appear on the ballot for all voters. They can be added to the ballot by the Legislature or by an initiative petition from citizens. The number of … Read more [More...]

Pocket Veto

If a bill passes the Oklahoma Legislature during the final five days of session, the Governor has 15 days following the final day of session to sign or veto it. If the Governor does not sign or veto the bill… Read more [More...]

In The Know: Gov. Fallin signs controversial tax break for new oil and gas wells

In The Know is a daily synopsis of Oklahoma policy-related news and blogs. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. You can sign up here to receive In The Know by e-mail or… Read more [More...]