Recent Articles

In The Know: Results from Oklahoma’s Quality Jobs payments fall far short of promises

In The Know is a daily synopsis of Oklahoma policy-related news and blogs. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. You can sign up here to receive In The Know by e-mail. Over… Read more [More...]

Our 11 most popular blog posts in 2014

This year OK Policy reached more people through our web site than ever before. Visitors over the course of the year were up 70 percent from 2013, and we averaged more than 25,000 visitors per month. Of those, 65.1 percent… Read more [More...]

In The Know: Oklahoma’s 12-year-old Capitol Dome is significantly cracked

In The Know is a daily synopsis of Oklahoma policy-related news and blogs. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. You can sign up here to receive In The Know by e-mail. In… Read more [More...]

In The Know: Continental Resources to cut spending 41 percent following oil crash

In The Know is a daily synopsis of Oklahoma policy-related news and blogs. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. You can sign up here to receive In The Know by e-mail. Oklahoma… Read more [More...]

In The Know: Judge allows Oklahoma to bar press from seeing executions

In The Know is a daily synopsis of Oklahoma policy-related news and blogs. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. You can sign up here to receive In The Know by e-mail. A… Read more [More...]

OK PolicyCast Episode 17: Tax Cut Trigger and a Bad News Budget

You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, or RSS. The podcast theme music is by Zébre. Each week the OK PolicyCast brings you the most important news about Oklahoma and what it means. This week, we speak with… Read more [More...]

Statement: Allowing tax cut to trigger is supremely irresponsible

Oklahoma Policy Institute Executive Director David Blatt released the following statement in response to Oklahoma’s latest revenue estimates that under current law will trigger a tax cut in 2016: It is supremely irresponsible to move forward with an income tax… Read more [More...]

In The Know: Oklahoma revenue projections sufficient to trigger tax cut

In The Know is a daily synopsis of Oklahoma policy-related news and blogs. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. You can sign up here to receive In The Know by e-mail. State… Read more [More...]

In The Know: Oklahoma Supreme Court says Governor can withhold details from public

In The Know is a daily synopsis of Oklahoma policy-related news and blogs. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. You can sign up here to receive In The Know by e-mail. The… Read more [More...]

In The Know: OKC Public Schools under federal investigation for discriminating against black and Hispanic students

In The Know is a daily synopsis of Oklahoma policy-related news and blogs. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. You can sign up here to receive In The Know by e-mail. The… Read more [More...]