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Expanding driver’s license eligibility is better for all of us

It’s a fact of life that getting around in Oklahoma requires a driver’s license. Because immigrants in Oklahoma who are undocumented are barred from getting one, the lack of a license presents a major challenge for 85,000 Oklahomans to get… Read more [More...]

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed gaps in services to vulnerable communities, particularly immigrants

Immigrants have had to bear the pandemic without much federal aid due to complicated rules around eligibility for public benefit programs, limited access to health care, economic limitations, and a variety of other factors. At the state level, Oklahoma did comparatively little to support immigrants as well. [More...]

All Oklahomans pay taxes, but not all of us can reap the rewards

Allowing these workers the opportunity to receive the tax credit can put money back into our state and local economies. Our state should end state-level EITC exclusion for ITIN filers who pay their fair share in taxes and allow them to receive the tax credit they’ve earned.  [More...]

Oklahoma hasn’t always been inclusive of our immigrant communities. It’s time to change that

Oklahoma’s immigrants want their families to thrive, but frequently, unnecessary barriers keep them from being able to realize their full potential— both for themselves and their contributions to our communities. [More...]