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The Weekly Wonk: Elected officials’ actions, inaction continue to leave many Oklahomans without health care

Gov. Stitt turns his back on thousands of Oklahomans who need health insurance due to pandemic; Pandemic highlights importance of child care, which is vital to Oklahoma's economic recovery. [More...]

Gov. Stitt turns his back on thousands of Oklahomans who need health insurance due to pandemic

Thousands of Oklahomans lost their health care when they lost their jobs during this pandemic. Gov. Stitt recognized the enormity of their losses, then turned his back on them by vetoing a bill that would have brought much-needed health care… Read more [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: As the current session winds down, issues remain that need addressing

A look at rebuilding Oklahoma; our growing eviction crisis; using education CARES funds to support all children; supporting child care is vital for rebuilding economy. [More...]

In The Know: Lawmakers send COLA, Medicaid bills to Gov.; COVID-19 vaccine could meet resistance in state; and more

In The Know is your daily briefing on Oklahoma policy-related news. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. Some stories may be behind paywall or require subscription. OK Policy encourages the support of… Read more [More...]

In The Know: Gov.’s honeymoon appears over; frustration growing with state unemployment system; and more

Gov. Kevin Stitt’s political honeymoon appears over; Unemployment climbing to record highs, Oklahomans grow frustrated with unemployment system. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Lawmakers create barriers for voting safely; increase needed for food security; and more

Taking a closer look at the fast-tracked legislative process that cemented barriers to voting safely; SNAP is a critical piece of our pandemic response, and Congress needs to give it a boost. [More...]

In The Know: Critics say new voting law is essentially a poll tax; proposed budget built as veto proof; and more

New voting law likened to poll tax by critics; Oklahoma Legislature's budget bill was crafted with possible veto override in mind; Oklahoma starts to reopen, as battle against the coronavirus in nursing homes mounts. [More...]

‘Three-bill Monte’: Lawmakers fail transparency test, advance absentee voter barriers 

Statement, attributable to OK Policy Executive Director Ahniwake Rose:  The Oklahoma House on Wednesday played ‘three-bill monte’ with legislation that would keep many Oklahomans from voting safely. The legislative changes, made just minutes before floor debate began, appeared to be… Read more [More...]

Lawmakers moved absentee voter requirements to SB 210 – Your voice is still needed

Lawmakers on Wednesday moved proposed new absentee voter requirements into a different bill SB 210, which was previously an unrelated bill until today’s amendment. The change was made less than an hour before the House session convened. The House had… Read more [More...]

Statement: SB 1779 would introduce unneeded barriers to voting, invite lawsuits

Just a day after the Oklahoma Supreme Court removed barriers to absentee voting, the Oklahoma Legislature is quietly advancing a bill to make it harder to vote by mail. The Oklahoma House will consider SB 1779 as soon as Wednesday.… Read more [More...]