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The Weekly Wonk: December 14, 2012

What’s up this week at Oklahoma Policy Institute? The Weekly Wonk is dedicated to this week’s events, publications, and blog posts. This week Oklahoma Policy Institute posted a letter from our bipartisan Board of Directors urging Governor Fallin and legislative… Read more [More...]

In The Know: Arkansas GOP considering opting-in to Medicaid expansion

In The Know is a daily synopsis of Oklahoma policy-related news and blogs. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. You can sign up here to receive In The Know by e-mail. Today… Read more [More...]

Medi-can’t (Oklahoma Gazette)

by Clifton Adcock, Oklahoma Gazette Perlinda George, a student at Oklahoma City Community College, had hoped to sign up for coverage in an expanded Medicaid program under the auspices of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  However, with Gov. Mary Fallin’s… Read more [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: December 7, 2012

What’s up this week at Oklahoma Policy Institute? The Weekly Wonk is dedicated to this week’s events, publications, and blog posts. This week Oklahoma Policy Institute discussed how the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program could give more than 9,000… Read more [More...]

In The Know: Gov. Fallin says fiscal cliff would cost the state $137M

In The Know is a daily synopsis of Oklahoma policy-related news and blogs. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. You can sign up here to receive In The Know by e-mail. Today… Read more [More...]

Extending the Ladder: How microcredit expands economic opportunity

This post was written by OK Policy intern John Davis. John recently graduated from Oklahoma State University with a bachelors in political science and a minor in history. He enjoys researching and writing on a diversity of topics and looks… Read more [More...]

Inequality matters (The Journal Record) by David Blatt Oklahoma’s economy has grown faster than most in recent years, but new research finds that almost all the income gains are going to the wealthiest households. That inequality is growing at a troubling rate. A common… Read more [More...]

Upcoming Event: Does marriage education work?

The OKDHS Practice and Policy Lecture Series hosts Dr. Scott Stanley on December 10th to discuss the results of a long-term study of the effectiveness of marriage education.  Dr. Stanley has been involved in the research, development and refinement of… Read more [More...]

Critics decry Oklahoma governor’s Medicaid expansion numbers (Tulsa World)

by Wayne Green, Tulsa World When she rejected federal funding to expand the state’s Medicaid system under the Affordable Care Act, Gov. Mary Fallin said buying into the program that would have extended coverage to thousands of uninsured Oklahomans could… Read more [More...]

Health insurance? Fooey! (Oklahoma Gazette)

Why does the standoff between Gov. Mary Fallin and the Affordable Care Act remind us of the battle between Sylvester and Tweety Bird? First, the Republican governor delayed implementing aspects of the ACA, otherwise known as Obamacare, in hopes that… Read more [More...]