Recent Articles

Housing is unaffordable for Oklahoma’s low-wage workers

Updated, 11/6/2023 to reflect updated statistics for Oklahoma from the National Low Income Housing Coalition.  — Oklahomans working a full-time job should be able to provide basic needs for themselves and their families, but 2 in 5 Oklahomans are unable… Read more [More...]

Medicaid expansion improves housing stability

Oklahomans who voted for State Question 802 in 2020 knew that Medicaid expansion would bring greater access to quality health care, but what voters may not have known is that Medicaid expansion plays a role in keeping people safely housed.… Read more [More...]

Effective democracy requires more transparency in Oklahoma state government

Oklahoma’s government is one of the least transparent in the nation. In contrast to other states, the general public is largely left out of the budget process and deprived of basic expectations of government such as public debate. Unfortunately, that… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma should work towards true housing equity

Legislative gaps in Oklahoma harm tenants, particularly households of color. The Oklahoma Residential Landlord Tenant Act (ORLTA), first adopted in 1978, needs to be updated to create equity. [More...]

Oklahoma’s state question process should be protected

Legislators this session have filed several bills that would increase the threshold for citizen-led petitions or raise the bar needed to approve them once they’re on the ballot. State questions have played a vital role in enacting needed change — we should not be creating more barriers in this process.  [More...]

Evictions are returning to pre-pandemic levels. That’s not a good thing.

Unless action is taken, Oklahoma evictions will return to problematically high levels. Now is the time for policymakers in our state to adopt bold new policies that give renters the support and protections they need to stay in their homes and communities. [More...]

Oklahoma faces serious challenges. Together, we can rise to meet them

Throughout the past week, we’ve highlighted multiple facets of poverty in Oklahoma. We hope we’ve demonstrated that while poverty is a complex issue, Oklahoma has the power to provide real solutions.  [More...]