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Policy Matters: Steps to improve budget transparency next session

This legislative session, lawmakers placed great emphasis on budget transparency. It’s been revealing to watch the process unfold, but there are steps lawmakers can take to build on this progress for next year. Throughout May, legislative leaders and the governor… Read more [More...]

Comments from OK Policy’s Shiloh Kantz, on Jan. 24 National Press Call about Cutting State Taxes

Media Release: National experts say Oklahoma is part of a damaging tax-cutting trend For more information, contact Dave Hamby, Oklahoma Policy Institute, (918) 810-0182, – – – During the past few decades, Oklahoma has become one of the nation’s… Read more [More...]

Statement regarding Oklahoma’s decision to opt out of new summer food program for children

Every Oklahoman should be concerned that nearly 1 in 5 of our state’s children are uncertain when their next meal will come, and 84% of our children rely on free or reduced-price lunches during the school year. To turn our backs on a proven, effective way to ensure our children have enough to eat is inexcusable. [More...]

Policy Matters: Senate’s budget transparency pledge is step in right direction

Senate leaders last week shared their intention to make the annual budget process more transparent. This is a welcome first step towards making this vital process more inclusive and democratic. But more can be done. [More...]

Policy Matters: It’s time to rethink minimum wage

Have you ever rearranged your living room furniture? When the light touches the space in new ways, the pieces create a new refreshing ensemble. Much like reviving a dark, stale living room, it is time for Oklahoma lawmakers to shed… Read more [More...]

“The 2014 Elections and the Future of Health Reform” Dr. Lawrence R. Jacobs, Director of the Center for the Study of Politics and Governance in the Hubert H. Humphrey School at the University of Minnesota

Oklahoma Scholars Strategy Network & Oklahoma Policy Institute invite you to hear Dr. Lawrence R. Jacobs, Director of the Center for the Study of Politics and Governance in the Hubert H. Humphrey School at the University of Minnesota on Monday,… Read more [More...]