Steve Lewis served as Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1989-1990. He currently practices law in Tulsa and represents clients at the Capitol.
By: Steve Lewis
April 13, 2020 // Updated: April 13, 2020
Thus, began one of those standoffs the public finds distasteful. Without knowing exactly what's going on behind the scenes, we usually just blame both sides and consider it politics as usual. Yes, this is politics, but it's also the way our democracy works. [More...]
By: Steve Lewis
April 6, 2020 // Updated: April 6, 2020
The Legislature's action during Monday’s special session will be aimed at approving the expanded health emergency declared by Gov. Stitt and dealing with the budget issues created by the economic crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. [More...]
By: Steve Lewis
March 30, 2020 // Updated: March 30, 2020
There is little to nothing to report this week on legislative activity. Appropriations and budget leaders are still putting together a FY 2021 budget for consideration when the legislature is able to vote on it. [More...]
By: Steve Lewis
March 23, 2020 // Updated: March 23, 2020
It's an understatement to say the future of this legislative session is uncertain. Last Tuesday when legislators left the Capitol, we knew the session would be interrupted for the week, which was already planned for spring break. [More...]
By: Steve Lewis
March 16, 2020 // Updated: March 16, 2020
Public safety and personal health must take priority, but hopefully the legislature will find a way to finish its work without leaving too much undone. [More...]
By: Steve Lewis
March 9, 2020 // Updated: March 9, 2020
If the goal is confusion, it has been attained. Shortly after taking office, Gov. Stitt announced that he is working with a wide range of Oklahomans to develop an Oklahoma plan for better health care. [More...]
By: Steve Lewis
March 2, 2020 // Updated: March 2, 2020
Last Thursday, Speaker McCall dropped a committee substitute for HB 4064 in the House Rules Committee that eliminates the Board of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and consolidates the agency with the Oklahoma Healthcare Authority. [More...]
By: Steve Lewis
February 17, 2020 // Updated: February 17, 2020
After 19 years of advocacy for mental health services, Steve Buck came to the Oklahoma Office of Juvenile Affairs with a strong commitment to serving youth, tempered with an eye toward the most efficient expenditure of taxpayer money. His primary goal was prevention, always seeking to follow the data and make services available to troubled youth as early as possible. He insisted the best chance of success in a young person's life, at the least cost to taxpayers, is early intervention with evidence-based or evidence-informed services. [More...]
By: Steve Lewis
February 10, 2020 // Updated: February 10, 2020
There is an issue flying under the radar that may surface sometime during the Legislative session. This is the placing of a statutory cap on what are called "non-economic" damages in personal injury cases. [More...]
By: Steve Lewis
February 3, 2020 // Updated: February 4, 2020
In the run-up to the Legislative session beginning this week, two things happened that could affect mental health services for thousands of Oklahomans. [More...]