Recent Articles

Lawmakers study state’s felony murder statute (Capitol Update)

The lengthy study on Oklahoma’s felony murder statute showed that our felony murder statute is not an outlier among the states. But, as witnesses pointed out in the hearing, it is fertile ground for what many would consider entirely legal but horribly unjust results. [More...]

Childcare a growing issue in Oklahoma (Capitol Update)

An issue that will likely be on the legislative agenda next year is childcare. As the economics and the makeup of families have changed, the need for out-of-home childcare has exploded. [More...]

Survey: Business leaders prioritize investment in infrastructure, education over tax cuts (Capitol Update)

Thoughtful legislators, like thoughtful businesspeople, understand you can't have quality education, infrastructure, and mental health programs without funding them properly. Hopefully, policymakers will take care to read the whole report. [More...]

Inadequate funding keeps Oklahoma at the bottom of the heap for health care (Capitol Update)

Due to inadequate health care funding, Oklahoma will continue to experience the economic and social outcomes caused by poor health, mental health, and addiction. [More...]

Will recommendations from immigrant-focused task force get traction this session? (Capitol Update)

While HB 4156 gave state law enforcement officers the authority to arrest people who are found in Oklahoma without legal authority to be in the U.S., the "Oklahoma State Work Permits and Visa Task Force” has issued recommendations towards a more balanced approach to the immigration issue.  [More...]

Election shakeups, leaderships changes will make for interesting ’25 Legislative session (Capitol Update)

Between incumbent losses, term limits, retirements, and the complete change in leadership in both chambers, the next session will surely be interesting. [More...]

Shropshire’s sudden departure from DHS (Capitol Update)

As a long-time practicing physician and agency administrator, Dr. Deborah Shropshire was exceptionally well qualified to lead an agency with responsibility for serving abused and neglected children, people with disabilities, and those suffering from the consequences of poverty.  [More...]

Oklahoma school year starts in chaos (Capitol Update)

House Democrats repeatedly have called for an impeachment inquiry against state superintendent Ryan Walters. But dissatisfaction among Republicans went public and spread among the legislators exponentially in this past week. [More...]

New federal grant should strengthen state policy for youth justice efforts (Capitol Update)

The Oklahoma Office of Juvenile Affairs (OJA) has received a $1.1 million grant from the National Institute of Justice to examine the effects of Oklahoma's legislative and administrative reforms in the field of juvenile justice, which have resulted in an increased utilization of community-based services. [More...]

Law change in 2011 put power over public education effectively under governor’s control (Capitol Update)

Since passage of the 2011 law, the real power to govern public education in Oklahoma is in the hands of the governor because he appoints the board, and the board serves at his pleasure. If a board member does not vote the way he wants the governor can remove the member and appoint someone who will comply, which Gov. Stitt has done. [More...]