Interim study explores improving probation and parole services (Capitol Update)

Rep. J.J. Humphrey, R-Lane, Chair of the House Criminal Justice and Corrections Committee, is determined to use his background in corrections work to help reform criminal justice in Oklahoma. Before his election to the legislature, the third-term representative worked for… Read more [More...]

Interim study examines ways to reduce Oklahoma’s incarceration levels (Capitol Update)

It’s still early to know if major criminal legal reform is going to be on the legislative agenda for next session. I think there is a sincere desire by legislators to bring Oklahoma’s prison population to a more rational level… Read more [More...]

Interim study looks at services, resources for troubled children, families (Capitol Update)

Rep. Daniel Pae, R-Lawton, hosted an interim study in the House Children, Family, and Youth Committee chaired by Rep. Carol Bush, R-Tulsa, last week to look at the feasibility of adding a “Family in Need of Services (FINS)” category to… Read more [More...]

Interim study examines increasing access to expungement (Capitol Update)

Recently Rep. Nicole Miller, R-Edmond, hosted an interim study in the House Judiciary-Criminal Committee on potential criminal record expungement reform. The purpose of criminal justice is to separate offenders from society where necessary for protection, to deter future criminal misconduct,… Read more [More...]

Interim study examines legislative transparency (Capitol Update)

Many legislative decisions, large and small, are made in discussions behind closed doors. The public, and even some fellow legislators, never hear about the decisions until it’s too late to make an effective challenge.  [More...]

Interim study examines using fines and fees to fund court operations (Capitol Update)

Last week Rep. Chris Kannady, R-OKC, Chairman of the Judiciary-Civil Committee, held an interim study hosted by Rep. Danny Williams, R-Seminole, on the issue of excessive court costs, fees, and assessments in criminal cases. When a person is sentenced, in… Read more [More...]

TSET asks legislators to revisit definition of tobacco products (Capitol Update)

The Oklahoma Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust (TSET) was created by voters in 2000 to manage and invest proceeds and earnings from the national tobacco lawsuit settlement in which former Attorney General Drew Edmondson was a leader with other AGs around… Read more [More...]

Addressing the social, economic imbalances in Oklahoma’s rental laws (Capitol Update)

As with so many things, the COVID pandemic has shined a light on severe inequities resulting from Oklahoma’s rental laws, which consist of the Oklahoma Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (ORLTA) and Forcible Entry and Detainer actions that are tried… Read more [More...]

Will Oklahoma’s managed care proposals return? (Capitol Update)

Medicaid expansion, making low-income Oklahomans ages of 19 to 64 newly eligible for coverage, seems to be going well. The Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) reports that more than 158,000 Oklahomans have been approved for benefits since June 1, and… Read more [More...]

The winding path of SB 658 (Capitol Update)

It appears from a brief search of various public school websites that classes will begin anywhere from one to three weeks from now. With the spiking COVID cases and hospitalizations, I can only imagine the anxiety of school board members… Read more [More...]