Weekly Wonk: Getting Medicaid expansion done correctly | Paid family leave is good for business | SB 511 improves harm reduction

Oklahomans demanded Medicaid expansion. We must do it quickly and get it right: Paid family and medical leave is good for families and businesses; SB 511 creates a legal path for harm reduction in Oklahoma (Guest Post); Policy Matters: SB 2 traumatizes Oklahomans, threatens economic progress; State Supreme Court nominations: Unnecessary to ‘fix’ what’s not broken (Capitol Update) [More...]

Weekly Wonk: A day without taxes? Be careful what you wish for | State EITC supports working Oklahomans | More

A Day Without Taxes?; Friction between elected officials rises to public view (Capitol Update); Medicaid helps fill gaps in tribal health services (Oklahoma Medicaid Stories); Policy Matters: EITC supports working Oklahomans [More...]

Weekly Wonk: Proposed revenue cuts are costly, poorly timed | Asking better questions | School funding

We have better options than a costly and poorly targeted income tax cut; Policy Matters: Asking better questions; How HB 1888 came back from the dead this session (Capitol Update); School funding issues. [More...]

Weekly Wonk: Paid family and medical leave assists working families | Legislative maneuvering is bad governance | Charter school funding

Well-designed paid family and medical leave programs assist working families; Policy Matters: Legislative maneuvering is just plain bad governance; Don’t shift more tax money to charters at the cost of traditional public schools; Policy notes and numbers. [More...]

Weekly Wonk: The need to revisit SQ 640 | Foot dragging over Medicaid expansion | A SoonerCare success story | More

SQ 640 continues limiting lawmakers, needs to be revisited; Happy Birthday ACA! And what federal COVID relief means for your health care; A SoonerCare success story; Policy Matters: Foot dragging over Medicaid expansion; Countdown to Care [More...]

Weekly Wonk: Tax cuts would hurt local business, cut public services | Fixing court fines and fees | Countdown to Medicaid Expansion

Want to reduce Oklahoma’s public services, hurt local business, and shrink our economy? Eliminate the corporate income tax; Policy Matters: State revenue cuts are not pro-business; Fixing Oklahoma’s court fines and fees problem (Capitol Update); Countdown to Medicaid Expansion [More...]

Weekly Wonk: Proposed tax cuts ‘shortsighted, dangerous’ | Paid family leave supports working Oklahomans | A look at justice reform issues

OK Policy Statement: Half-billion dollars in corporate and individual tax cuts is irresponsible, shortsighted and dangerous; Paid Family and Medical Leave is a crucial step towards modernizing our economy; Policy Matters: Addressing gender inequity; HB 1795 reduces driver’s license suspensions for court fines and fees [More...]

Weekly Wonk: Support Oklahoma families and keep them healthier | Texas tax envy | More

Improve our social insurance programs to encourage work and support working families; Legislators must protect Oklahomans’ health care; Policy Matters: Everything is bigger in Texas, including tax burdens; Oklahoma’s children need funding to recover from the COVID-19 crisis. [More...]

Weekly Wonk: SB 704 can reduce Oklahoma’s incarceration rate | Supporting thriving families | Recommitting to higher ed funding

SB 704 would be step towards reducing Oklahoma’s incarceration rate (Capitol Update); Together Oklahoma Talks Policy: Thriving Families; Policy Matters: State must recommit to higher education funding. [More...]

Weekly Wonk: OK’s higher ed cuts among nation’s Top 3 | TogetherOK presents policy talks | Rethinking ‘tough on crime’

Oklahoma among worst states for higher education cuts; Together Oklahoma Talks Policy: Healthy Oklahomans and Safe Communities; (Capitol Update) Lawsuit challenges OHCA’s managed care proposal; Policy Matters: Rethinking Oklahoma’s ‘tough on crime’ approach to justice; Virtual Day of Action, March 4 [More...]