Statement: Republican budget proposal ignores popular solutions

Oklahoma Policy Institute released the following statement in response to Republican leaders’ new budget proposal: The proposal announced today by Republican leadership does not address the hundreds of millions Oklahoma is giving away each year to the oil and gas… Read more [More...]

Coalition crafts budget blueprint to solve state’s shortfall (Enid News)

By Janelle Stecklein OKLAHOMA CITY — Members of Oklahoma’s Save Our State Coalition acknowledge when organizers put out their emergency “SOS” call that a group of seemingly strange bedfellows responded. After all, in today’s divisive political climate where longtime allies… Read more [More...]

Tulsa’s Teacher of the Year: We cannot continue at this rate (Tulsa World)

By Elizabeth Steinocher Every single day, I get to wake up and work with the most incredible minds. Every day, I get to see these young minds tackle problems and learn to work through something with a friend. Every day,… Read more [More...]

OCPA’s attack on OK Policy and ITEP doesn’t hold up

Last night, the Oklahoma Council on Public Affairs released a statement attacking the credibility and integrity of Oklahoma Policy Institute and the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP). They claim that a “Number of the Day” we cited from a… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma Legislature Departs From Trump Plan on Tax Deduction (Bloomberg BNA)

By Paul Stinson A bill putting Oklahoma among the first states to decouple from the federal tax code in the wake of President Donald Trump’s tax reform proposal is on the governor’s desk following Senate passage. The legislation separates the… Read more [More...]

House Trumpcare measure fails primary test — First, do no harm (Tulsa World editorial)

By World’s Editorial Writers By a narrow margin, the U.S. House of Representatives has passed the American Health Care Act, the long awaited “repeal and replace” alternative to “Obamacare.” The bill eliminates one of the least popular elements of “Obamacare,”… Read more [More...]

Fallin vetoes shameful small loan legislation (Tulsa World editorial)

By World’s Editorial Writers Gov. Mary Fallin did the right thing when she vetoed House Bill 1913, a proposal to create an expensive new form of payday lending that could charge customers up to 204 percent annual interest. Shame on… Read more [More...]

Statement: Repeal of tax cut is a milestone for Oklahoma

Oklahoma Policy Institute released a statement in response to the Legislature’s final passage of SB 170, a bill to repeal an automatic income tax cut trigger: The repeal of this tax cut is a milestone. After years of promises that… Read more [More...]

How one American city is coping with a broken state budget (The Economist)

DAN ZIELINSKI, director of the planetarium at Jenks High School in Oklahoma, whizzes through his greatest hits. First he projects onto its dome a 3D image of a human heart; next comes the Sistine Chapel, then the solar system. The… Read more [More...]

Flashpoint, OkPolicy breakfast reveal budget solutions (NONDOC)

By John Thompson  During a budget-briefing breakfast hosted by Oklahoma Policy Institute on April 26, executive director David Blatt drew upon Bob Dylan’s saddest lyrics to warn that the first half of his presentation would be unrelentingly depressing. It included the… Read more [More...]