The Weekly Wonk: Tennessee’s Medicaid block grant proposal examined, historic week for criminal justice reform, and more

Across the country, states are using Medicaid waivers to seek alternatives to simple Medicaid expansion and limit who can access health care. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Uninsured rate for Oklahoma children remains stalled, fines and fees examined, and more

A new national report shows the number of uninsured Oklahoma children held steady last year, however the rate remains significantly higher than the national average. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Higher ed funding cuts worsen inequality; celebrating Yes on 802 signature gatherers; and more

On Thursday, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) released a report which found that cuts in funding for higher education have contributed to rapid, significant tuition increases and pushed more of the costs of college students, leading to worsened racial and class inequality. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Criminal justice reform opportunities; immigrant access to basic services; and more

During the 2018 legislative session, lawmakers created a group of 22 stakeholders who have the opportunity to fundamentally transform Oklahoma’s justice system for the better: the Oklahoma Criminal Justice Reclassification Coordination Council. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Incarcerated youth; meet Sabine Brown; & more

This week, we wrapped up our analysis of Open Justice Oklahoma's (OJO) recent juvenile justice report by exploring how incarceration can disrupt youths' lives. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Racial disparities in juvenile justice; Hepatitis C in prisons, & more

This week, we revisited Open Justice Oklahoma's (OJO) recent report which found that while juvenile crime in Oklahoma has plummeted, racial and local disparities remain. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Poverty week; no good reason not to expand Medicaid; & more

This week, we focused on poverty in Oklahoma and emphasized policy solutions to help our families get ahead. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Reinvesting in justice-involved youth; protect mothers and babies by expanding Medicaid; & more

This week, we took another dive into the newest report by Open Justice Oklahoma (OJO) which details Oklahoma’s massive, decades-long declines in juvenile crime and arrests. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Juvenile crime and incarceration plummets; Oklahoma’s budget challenges; & more

This week, we released a new report by Open Justice Oklahoma which found that while juvenile crime and incarceration rates have fallen dramatically, deep racial and local disparities remain. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: OK Policy’s new director; false claims on SQ 780; demanding responsible gun policies; & more

This week marks the start of a new era in the history of Oklahoma Policy Institute as Ahniwake Rose takes over the helm as Executive Director, succeeding longtime director David Blatt. [More...]