Fraudulent letter misrepresents OK Policy

Oklahoma Policy Institute discovered today that a fraudulent letter headed with the Oklahoma Policy Institute logo has been mailed to some elected officials and members of the media in Oklahoma. Neither OK Policy nor any individual associated with this organization was involved with the letter or any of its content.

The letter’s return address goes to the University of Central Oklahoma Office of Diversity and Inclusion, which also did not have anything to do with the letter’s content or distribution. The person or persons responsible are currently unknown.

Oklahoma Policy Institute is a nonpartisan organization focused on adequate, fair and fiscally responsible funding of public services and expanded economic opportunity for all Oklahomans. OK Policy is committed to respectful, nonpartisan analysis of policy issues in Oklahoma. The tone and content of the letter do not in any way represent the views of OK Policy or its staff.

OK Policy is reporting this apparent fraud to the proper authorities. OK Policy will pursue appropriate legal measures against anyone who fraudulently poses as a representative of Oklahoma Policy Institute without the knowledge or permission of this organization.

If you have information about the letter or any further questions, please contact David Blatt at or call (918) 859-8747.


Gene Perry worked for OK Policy from 2011 to 2019. He is a native Oklahoman and a citizen of the Cherokee Nation. He graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a B.A. in history and an M.A. in journalism.

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