Gene Perry
February 6, 2012 // Updated: May 2, 2019

How many bills are filed each year? Who is the Cabinet Secretary of Science and Technology? How much money is there in the Rainy Day Fund? Why does it take so long for a bill to be passed?
As the…
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Paul Shinn
January 24, 2011 // Updated: May 2, 2019

Last year we published OK Policy’s (and possibly the nation’s) first Online Budget Guide, a primer for Oklahoma state and local government finance. We were pretty excited about the online approach. It allowed us to save paper and printing and…
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Paul Shinn
September 22, 2009 // Updated: May 1, 2019
On October 6, Oklahoma Policy Institute will release its Online Budget Guide. This unique tool for understanding Oklahoma state and local government finances will be valuable both as an introduction for newcomers and as a reference guide for the more…
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