Time to hit the brakes on SoonerCare privatization

Oklahoma’s efforts to privatize expensive care for the most fragile SoonerCare patients was contentious from the beginning. In 2015, HB 1566 directed the Oklahoma Health Care Authority, which administers the state’s Medicaid (SoonerCare) program, to initiate requests for proposals for care coordination… Read more [More...]

Amid budget deadlock, a reminder of what’s at stake

At the state Capitol, lawmakers remain deadlocked over how to find enough revenue to avoid crippling budget scenarios. The main barrier appears to be legislative leadership’s refusal to allow a vote on removing huge tax breaks for oil and gas producers. On… Read more [More...]

HB 1270 adds bureaucratic hurdles for Oklahoma families and won’t generate promised savings

Earlier this spring, we warned that HB 1270 would grow administrative waste and punish poor families by requiring substantially more rigorous and more frequent verification procedures for families applying for SNAP (food stamps) and Medicaid (SoonerCare). Following public outcry, HB… Read more [More...]

Extended family leave for new parents would boost economy while addressing some of Oklahoma’s worst health rankings

Too many Oklahoma parents face an impossible choice – continue to work full-time and miss precious opportunities to bond with a new child, or leave work and put their finances and career at risk. Oklahomans shouldn’t face this choice.  New… Read more [More...]

SB 478​ would roll back autism coverage, allow worthless plans disguised as insurance​

For years, families caring for ​children with autism fought for a state law that would require insurers to cover the necessary treatments for their child. Last year, with the passage of HB 2962, Oklahoma became the 44th state to require… Read more [More...]

DHS Director: Oklahoma budget cut scenarios range “from the terrible to the unthinkable”

Unless lawmakers find new revenues to close their budget shortfall, Oklahoma is looking at unprecedented cuts to the most basic services of state government, including those for the most vulnerable seniors, children, and people with disabilities. Even before next year’s… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma DHS is about to run out of money to pay for care of vulnerable seniors and people with disabilities

There are honest arguments and discussions to be had about the place and role of government. However, we generally agree that the government has an important role in protecting the lives and health of Americans who aren’t able to protect… Read more [More...]

House Republican health bill would devastate Oklahomans’ access to care

This post has been updated to reflect amendments released on March 20, 2017. Congressional Republicans finally have the opportunity to make good on their longstanding promise to repeal and replace the health law. In campaign rhetoric, they promised they could… Read more [More...]

GOP Health Plan Would Devastate Oklahomans’ Access to Care

Download this fact sheet as a pdf The House Republican plan, known as the American Health Care Act (AHCA), would dramatically increase the cost of health coverage. More than 100,000 Oklahomans used a tax credit to buy health coverage in… Read more [More...]

What Oklahomans Stand to Lose if the Affordable Care Act is Dismantled

Download this fact sheet as a pdf Insurance Coverage Gains Since the Affordable Care Act (ACA, also known as Obamacare) was signed into law in 2010, Oklahomans have made record gains in insurance coverage. Even though state lawmakers refused federal… Read more [More...]