Private prisons are bad policy, but they’re not to blame for Oklahoma’s incarceration problem

Private prisons have a very bad reputation among criminal justice reformers, and it’s well deserved. In recent years, the ugliest outbreaks of prison violence toward correctional officers and among inmates have occurred in Oklahoma’s private prisons, underlining the dangerous conditions in those… Read more [More...]

SQ 780 is already reshaping Oklahoma’s justice system

Oklahoma has long been among the most punitive states in the country for drug crimes. For years, severe mandatory minimums and tough-on-crime attitudes contributed to simple drug possession being the most common charge for state prison admissions. In 2016, fed-up… Read more [More...]

Bill Watch: Will 2018 be the year Oklahoma finally gets serious about criminal justice reform?

This post is the second in a series highlighting key bills in several issues areas that we’re following. A previous post looked at legislation affecting economic opportunity for Oklahoma families. After a disappointing end to the 2017 session, there are encouraging… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma’s debtors’ prisons aren’t just a nuisance – they’re an epidemic

The problem of debtors’ prisons in Oklahoma has slowly come out into the open in recent years. More and more criminal defendants have been unable to pay off the thousands of dollars in fines and fees piled on them by… Read more [More...]

Oklahomans don’t want to pay what it costs to keep incarcerating so many (Capitol Update)

Steve Lewis served as Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1989-1991. He currently practices law in Tulsa and represents clients at the Capitol. In preparation for the upcoming session, Corrections Director Joe Allbaugh appeared before the House and Senate appropriations… Read more [More...]

Our top priorities in Oklahoma’s 2018 legislative session

With the 2018 legislative session fast approaching, today we released OK Policy’s top policy priorities for the coming year. OK Policy is committed to supporting fair and adequate funding of public services and expanded economic opportunity for all Oklahomans through… Read more [More...]

2018 Legislative Policy Priorities

Download this fact sheet as a PDF. OK Policy is committed to supporting fair and adequate funding of public services and expanded economic opportunity for all Oklahomans through research and advocacy. During the 2018 legislative session, we will work to… Read more [More...]

2018 Policy Priority: Pass Smart On Crime Reforms

See the full list of our 2018 policy priorities. Download this fact sheet as a PDF. Background Oklahoma has the second-highest incarceration rate in the country and the highest incarceration rate for women. Our prisons are badly overcrowded and underfunded,… Read more [More...]

2018 Policy Priority: Reform Practices That Trap Oklahomans In Jail Awaiting Trial

See the full list of our 2018 policy priorities. Download this fact sheet as a PDF. Background Oklahoma’s jails are overflowing with people who haven’t been convicted of any crime but who can’t afford to pay a bail bondsman to… Read more [More...]

2018 Policy Priority: Reform Excessive Fines and Fees that Trap People in the Justice System

See the full list of our 2018 policy priorities. Download this fact sheet as a PDF. Background Tens of thousands of Oklahomans enter the justice system each year, and many come out with thousands of dollars in debt to the… Read more [More...]