Upcoming Event: Strengthening the Healthcare Safety Net for Rural and Underserved Oklahomans, Sept. 19-21st

The Rural Health Association of Oklahoma (RHAO) and the Oklahoma Primary Care Association (OKPCA) are hosting a joint conference on September 19-21, 2012.  The conference, “Getting Better Together: Strengthening the Healthcare Safety Net for Rural and Underserved Oklahomans,” will address improving healthcare delivery, access, and outcomes for underserved and rural communities.

Sessions will include: primary care and behavioral health, mobile technologies and IT, community health centers, reviving dying hospitals, disaster preparedness, and the new federal health care law.  Click here for a draft of the conference agenda and/or click here to register online.  For more information about the event, contact the Rural Health Association of Oklahoma at 580-213-3172 or visit www.rhao.org.


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