2023 Oklahoma Summer Policy Institute Applications are Now Open

UPDATE: Registration deadline extended to Friday, May 12, 2023.  

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“I can’t imagine how different Oklahoma’s political landscape and policies would look if everyone were more informed about the work OK Policy does. I deeply admire the staff and visiting speakers for their work ethic they exhibit and serving the community in the ways needed most. It gives me hope for Oklahoma’s future.” —Past Oklahoma Summer Policy Institute participant

Now is your chance to experience it for yourself or recommend it to a friend!

OK Policy’s Oklahoma Summer Policy Institute (SPI) brings together highly-qualified college students for an exciting and stimulating four-day learning experience that will help inform about Oklahoma’s policy landscape and provide tools and resources to create change in our state.

OK Policy staff host and lead SPI, which includes leading policy experts from government, academia, and community organizations throughout Oklahoma. Participants have a chance to network with fellow students, policy leaders, and past SPI alumni. Click here to learn more about the Oklahoma Summer Policy Institute and see agendas from previous years.

“SPI is a place that will inspire you for the future. It’s so easy to get discouraged about the state and our policies, but SPI teaches tools to fight the policies that create inequalities. If you need inspiration for the future, go to SPI.” —Past Oklahoma Summer Policy Institute participant


SPI is a four-day program held during two summer sessions: 

  • June 29-30 (Oklahoma City)
  • July 20-21 (Tulsa)

Overnight accommodations will be provided for participants during each session. 

Apply Today!

SPI is open to current undergraduate or graduate students with at least 24 hours of college credit. Candidates must either attend an Oklahoma college or university, or have graduated from an Oklahoma high school. SPI also is open to recent college graduates who completed their degree programs no earlier than the fall 2022 semester.


Participants are selected through a competitive application process that identifies students with strong academic training, diverse experiences, and a clear interest in public policy. Particular emphasis is given on selecting a class of participants from a broad range of educational institutions, fields of study, and geographic and cultural backgrounds.

The application deadline is Friday, May 12, 2023.

Program tuition is $400 and includes all meals and overnight accommodations. Full and partial financial assistance will be available to all students who need a scholarship to attend. No one will be denied a spot at SPI due to inability to pay.




Oklahoma Policy Insititute (OK Policy) advances equitable and fiscally responsible policies that expand opportunity for all Oklahomans through non-partisan research, analysis, and advocacy.

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