Oklahoma Policy Insititute (OK Policy) advances equitable and fiscally responsible policies that expand opportunity for all Oklahomans through non-partisan research, analysis, and advocacy.
The EITC (Earned Income Tax Credit) is a refundable tax credit for working families that has been shown to reduce poverty, encourage work, and help local economies. Oklahoma’s state EITC, enacted in 2001, is set at 5% of the federal… Read more [More...]
In these difficult times, an increasing number of Oklahoma families are struggling every week to make ends up meet and keep food on the table. Oklahoma’s Sales Tax Relief Credit, also known as the grocery tax credit, is intended to… Read more [More...]
Data from the U.S. Census Bureau reveals that 641,000 Oklahoman under the age of 65 were without health insurance coverage in 2006-07, which is more than one out of every five non-elderly Oklahomans. This fact sheet from OK Policy looks… Read more [More...]
On September 22, 2008, the Oklahoma Health Care Reform Task Force heard a presentation from Kathleen Stoll, Deputy Executive Director of Families USA, a non-profit organization based in Washington D.C. that brings the voice of consumers to federal and state… Read more [More...]
Federal policies have a major and far-ranging impact ont the fiscal situation of state government. Unfortunately, a whole set of federal polies are converging to worsen Oklahoma’s budget problems. This issue brief by OK Policy examines four broad examples of… Read more [More...]
By Ron Jenkins
A think-tank that advocates for the poor says Oklahoma lawmakers would have had $400 million to $600 million more to spend on education and other programs the last two years if not for income tax cuts.
The… Read more [More...]
(Oklahoma City, Sept. 2, 2008) – Cuts in recent years to the individual income tax have decreased state revenues by several hundred million dollars, with most of the benefits going to the highest-income Oklahomans. These findings are contained in a… Read more [More...]
This fact sheet explores the distribution of benefits from the two largest tax cuts enacted in Oklahoma between 2004 and 2006, based on analysis conducted for OK Policy by the Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy. Almost three-quarter of the… Read more [More...]
Individual income tax collections over the last two state budget years grew by less than 1 percent. This miniscule growth, at a time of a strong state economy, reflects the impact of tax cuts enacted between 2004 and 2006. Analysis… Read more [More...]
(Oklahoma City, August 26, 2008): Even while Oklahoma’s overall economy continued to prosper, 557,000 Oklahomans, or 15.9%, lived in poverty in 2007, according to newly-released figures from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. This is a decline from the… Read more [More...]