Recent Articles

CAP: The Social Safety Net – A Handbook of Major Social Assistance Programs for Oklahomans

This November 2004 publication was produced for the Public Policy Department of the Community Action Project of Tulsa County under the direction of David Blatt, then Director of Policy at CAP.  With this second edition of “The Social Safety Net… Read more [More...]

CAP Issue Brief: Oklahoma’s Uninsured – Who They Are and Why They Lack Insurance

This issue brief was produced for the Public Policy Department of the Community Action Project of Tulsa County under the direction of David Blatt, then Director of Policy at CAP.  Over 600,000 of Oklahoma’s 3.3 million residents have no health… Read more [More...]

CAP Report: Oklahoma Self-Sufficiency Standard

This report was produced in February 2002 for the Public Policy Department of the Community Action Project of Tulsa County under the direction of David Blatt, then Director of Policy at CAP.  An uncertain economy and major changes in welfare… Read more [More...]