Recent Articles

Medicaid expansion: Ten years of unparalleled return on investment, improved outcomes

This research shows that Medicaid expansion provides significant benefits not only for low-income adults in the U.S., specifically in states that expanded Medicaid, but also across local and state economies. No state has rolled back their expanded coverage through Medicaid, which perhaps serves as the best validation of the program’s strength.  [More...]

SQ 802 is good for Oklahoma — but don’t just take our word for it

On June 30, Oklahomans will be going to the polls in a statewide election that also includes SQ 802, which would expand Medicaid coverage in Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Policy Institute, which rarely takes a position on state questions, has endorsed SQ 802. [More...]

During this economic crisis we want people to work. Let’s give them the tools to do it.

In the midst of crisis, Oklahoma can and should better equip returning citizens to succeed. An accessible path from prison to employment can help those with felony convictions find high-wage employment immediately following incarceration. [More...]

Statement: We can’t undo the past. But together, we can build a better future.

Statement from the Oklahoma Policy Institute:  Racism takes many forms. Most of us are familiar with — and openly decry — the overt and direct racism that stems from ignorance, fear, and hatred. The more insidious racism is concealed and… Read more [More...]

Tulsa Race Massacre Remembered – 99th Anniversary

Tulsa Race Massacre Remembered The 99th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre was commemorated, which brought national attention in light of nationwide protests about racism in America. Below are articles from Tulsa and publications from around the nation.   Tulsa-area Coverage… Read more [More...]

Rebuilding Oklahoma: Policy Recommendations to Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic and Strengthen Our State for the Long Term

The Oklahoma Policy Institute has evaluated legislative and administrative actions — both state and federal — that will best prepare the state for a long-term recovery that benefits the health and well-being of all Oklahomans. [More...]

Legislature rebuilds barriers to voting immediately after the Supreme Court knocked them down

The Legislature should be serving Oklahomans, not making it harder for them to exercise their fundamental right to vote. The requirements enacted by SB 210 can and should be reversed with alternatives that require less risk to our citizens. Oklahomans deserve better. [More...]

SB210: Lawmakers had the opportunity this week to take a stand for election integrity. They chose not to.

On Thursday, the Oklahoma Senate advanced SB 210, which will cement barriers to voting by mail, to Gov. Stitt’s desk. Passed in the middle of a pandemic, this bill would roll back a state Supreme Court decision from just days ago and continues the shameful shell game that began yesterday in the House. [More...]

Important vote today — Please speak up again to protect voting rights

Hundreds of calls were made in opposition to SB 210, which would reinstate barriers to voting by mail in the middle of a pandemic. Unfortunately, our legislature didn’t listen and SB 210 will be heard in the Senate this morning. [More...]

Four reasons to finish the job on retiree cost of living adjustment

By putting money into the pockets of Oklahoma’s retirees, the Legislature can help the economy without impacting the state’s budget. There’s no reason that Oklahoma should fall behind the region in benefit levels. [More...]