Recent Articles

Health care costs will fall for most in new insurance marketplaces

Beginning in 2014, the American health care landscape will be transformed in many ways as the final provisions of the Affordable Care Act take effect. The greatest changes will affect the market for individual health insurance. Under the ACA, insurance… Read more [More...]

A tale of two budgets

An earlier version of this post appeared as a column in the Journal Record $2,060 a month? Or $4,239? Two recent attempts to calculate how much income it takes to make ends meet reached starkly different conclusions. But both, in… Read more [More...]

Revenue report reveals rocky road

Last week, the Office of Management and Enterprise Services (OMES) announced monthly General Revenue (GR) collections for June, bringing Fiscal Year 2013 to a close. While Finance Secretary Preston Doerflinger’s candid assessment of plunging gross production revenues grabbed the headlines,… Read more [More...]

Upcoming Event: Theda Skocpol to lecture on climate change at TU on August 7th

On Wednesday, August 7th, Dr. Theda Skocpol, the Victor S. Thomas Professor of Government and Sociology at Harvard University, will present a public lecture, “Naming the Problem: Extremism and the Fight Against Climate Change” at the University of Tulsa’s Alan… Read more [More...]

Revisiting TANF

Following May’s devastating tornadoes in Moore, the new Director of the Oklahoma Department of Human Services, Ed Lake, suggested the state use $10 million in unspent Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funds as emergency relief to tornado victims, as… Read more [More...]

The Affordable Care Act will help but not completely solve Oklahoma’s uninsured problem

Currently, some 55 million Americans are without health insurance.  That includes about 650,000 Oklahomans, or one in six state residents.. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was designed to reduce the number of uninsured by expanding access to quality, affordable coverage.… Read more [More...]

Poll shows Oklahoma voters strongly oppose tax breaks for horizontal drilling

By more than a two-to-one margin, Oklahoma voters oppose the state’s tax breaks to oil and gas companies for horizontal drilling, according to a recent poll of registered voters. The poll, conducted in late April by Global Strategies Group, provided… Read more [More...]

April Fools? Strong revenue growth may reflect one-time tax changes

Last week’s announcement of April General Revenue (GR) collections seemed to signal great news for the state.  Revenues were up almost $90 million, or 14.7 percent, from the same month a year ago and exceeded the estimate by 15.1 percent.… Read more [More...]

Key questions and answers on last-minute Insure Oklahoma proposal

With just one week left until the legislature’s scheduled adjournment, Governor Mary Fallin has called on legislators to approve last-minute changes to the Insure Oklahoma program. These questions and answers explain what is being proposed and the vital issues that… Read more [More...]

Leavitt or Leave It: Consultant’s report suggests path for expanding health insurance coverage

Last week saw important developments in the  debate over expanding  health coverage for uninsured low-income Oklahomans. While it now seems certain that Oklahoma will not expand coverage at the start of 2014, the state finally appears to be moving along… Read more [More...]