Recent Articles

The shrinking state employee workforce

In the wake of three consecutive years of steep budget cuts, the number of state employees staffing correctional facilities, inspecting restaurants and nursing homes, serving victims of abuse and neglect, and performing other public functions has declined sharply. In FY… Read more [More...]

Linda Edmondson joins OK Policy Board

Oklahoma Policy Institute has announced that Linda Edmondson, a social worker and community volunteer, has joined its Board of Directors. “We are greatly honored to have Linda Edmondson join the Board of Oklahoma Policy Institute,” stated Board Chair Vince LoVoi.… Read more [More...]

Facts Matter: Lessons from the Great Tax and Budget Debate of 2012

Earlier this year, OK Policy was hosting a briefing in Oklahoma City about the ongoing battle over taxes and the state budget. During the question period, a woman in the audience rose with a question that went something like this:… Read more [More...]

Voices of Oklahoma: Henry Bellmon – Déjà vu all over again

Voices of Oklahoma is a nonprofit organization dedicated to “preserving Oklahoma’s legacy, one voice at a time.” Click here to hear Henry Bellmon’s story, in his own words, interviewed by John Erling. George Santayana (1863 – 1952) wrote “…Those who… Read more [More...]

Still stuck in a hole: Funding for public education falls flat

The FY 2013 budget negotiated  by legislative leaders and Governor Fallin had some encouraging aspects. Overall appropriations increased by $253 million, or 3.8 percent, and there was additional funding for targeted priorities in human services, health care, transportation and public… Read more [More...]

FY 2013 Budget overview: Been down so long it feels like up

In the 1960’s, Richard Fariña titled his novel of his college days and experiences, “Been Down So Long It Feels Like Up To Me.” The sentiment might also apply to the state budget for the upcoming year. After being down… Read more [More...]

Guest Blog (Michael Givel): Can Oklahoma replicate Maryland's Genuine Progress Indicator?

Dr. Michael Givel is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Oklahoma What’s the best way to measure social progress? For decades, the United States and other nations have primarily measured social progress by the economic measure of… Read more [More...]

Guest Blog (Steve Ellis): Income tax opponents offer nothing new in the Wall Street Journal

Stephen Ellis, Ph.D., is Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Oklahoma. His research areas include philosophy of economics, decision theory, philosophy of mind and ethics. The Oklahoma income tax ‘wars’ have gone national!  The latest… Read more [More...]

Graph of the Day: State support for schools has fallen while enrollment rises

NOTE: This post has been updated to reflect slightly revised numbers in state aid funding for FY 2008 and FY 2012. The text has been corrected to correspond. The FY 2013 budget agreement announced yesterday provides no increase in state… Read more [More...]

Tax cuts for some, tax hikes for others

Will Oklahoma families pay higher or lower taxes under HB 3061, the tax plan agreed to last week by Governor Fallin and legislative leaders? The answer depends on a number of variables, including household income, family size, and whether or… Read more [More...]