Recent Articles

Honored guests: Looking back at our guest blog posts

Over the past 14 months, this blog has run over a dozen guest blog submissions.  We greatly appreciate the contributions we receive from the community – not just because we’re a small organization and it’s nice when someone else pitches… Read more [More...]

By the numbers: State personal income recovering far more quickly than state revenues

The latest edition of our monthly Numbers You Need bulletin reports on the most recent state personal income data that was put out last month by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the 1st quarter of 2010, state personal income… Read more [More...]

We’re in this together: Private sector suffers, too, from public sector decay

Last month I gave a presentation to a meeting of the State Chamber of Commerce along with a representative from another state policy organization.  I was struck, and frankly dismayed, by the extent to which my co-presenter  spoke as if… Read more [More...]

On the Rohde again: Nick's family bids Oklahoma farewell

This week, Wayne Rohde sent out an e-mail informing his friends and networks of his family’s decision to leave Oklahoma. For the last several years, Wayne and his wife Robyne have been tireless and fierce advocates for Nick’s Law, legislation… Read more [More...]

Community Development Speaker Series with national correspondent with the Nonprofit Quarterly

If you work for or with a non-profit agency or philanthropic foundation, you’ll want to attend the next event in the Community Development Speaker Series hosted by  the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. On July 20th from 1:30 –… Read more [More...]

Guest Blog (John Thompson): Ready or not, the educational revolution is now

From time to time, we use the OK Policy blog to post contributions that offer interesting perspectives on important policy issues for the state. This is the second of two posts from John Thompson,  an Oklahoma City teacher with 18… Read more [More...]

None of the above: The public weighs in on the state fiscal crisis

A new poll from the Pew Research Center presents interesting findings about the state of public opinion regarding the state fiscal crisis.  A late June poll of 1,001 adults found a majority of respondents saying that states should fix their… Read more [More...]

Guest Blog (Brad Byers): Health care reform – the battle between fact and myth

From time to time, we use the OK Policy blog to post contributions from guests on important policy issues for the state. Brad Byers is a retired Tulsan whose professional experience includes having been public affairs officer for the National… Read more [More...]

Unhappy New Year: FY11 gets underway with no end in sight to the state fiscal blues

July 1st marks the start of the new state fiscal year in most of the country – but as glad as state Governors, fiscal directors and legislators will be to see the end of the annus horribilis of 2010,  don’t… Read more [More...]

Still Drilling: Gas production remains high even as prices stay low

Last March, we ran a blog post we titled “Kill the drill” commenting on a front-page  New York Times story on the  steep drop in drilling activity that accompanied plunging oil prices and gas prices in early 2009. The Times… Read more [More...]