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JCAB (Joint Committee on Appropriations and Budget)

JCAB (Joint Committee on Appropriations and Budget) is a committee governed by separate rules from most legislative committees. It is typically used as a way for House and Senate leadership to introduce and approve new bills in the final weeks… Read more [More...]

Revenue options still on the table could avert budget catastrophe

With less than two weeks until the end of the Legislative session, there’s still no agreement on the state budget. The stakes are exceptionally high: unless legislators agree on ways to close the budget gap, deep cuts are certain to… Read more [More...]

Even amid energy bust, Oklahoma’s oil and gas tax breaks exceed $400 million per year

Oklahoma continues to give up well over $400 million per year in tax breaks to oil and gas producers, even as oil prices fall and the industry sheds thousands of jobs, according to data compiled from the Oklahoma Tax Commission.… Read more [More...]

The down low on taxing downloads

One of the recurring revenue options that Gov. Mary Fallin laid out in her FY 2017 Executive Budget involved “modernizing the sales tax.” This was presented as something of a catch-all category described as “keeping the same low rates and… Read more [More...]

Governor’s Budget 2.0: Cuts are not inevitable

Last week, Governor Mary Fallin took the unusual step of delivering a second budget proposal for the upcoming fiscal year. Her new proposal, dubbed Executive Budget 2.0, adjusts for the changed circumstances since her first budget was announced in early… Read more [More...]

New fact sheet outlines Oklahoma’s options for solving the budget emergency

Oklahoma is grappling with a $1.3 billion shortfall for next year’s budget. Following two mid-year revenue failures on top of years of shrinking budgets, every state agency has been forced to dig deep and cut anything that could be seen… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma’s Revenue Options for the Budget Emergency

Without new revenue to close the shortfall, state agencies and school districts face massive budget cuts that will be disastrous for Oklahoma families, businesses, and communities. Here are 16 revenue options worth considering as part of a fair and sustainable budget... Read more [More...]

High-income surcharge would help solve budget emergency

The evidence is now undeniable that Oklahoma is facing a full-fledged emergency. With each passing day, the toll of budget cuts on Oklahoma families, schools, businesses, and communities becomes more alarming. Given the enormity of the budget shortfall, it’s widely… Read more [More...]

Quick Take: What’s the state of the Rainy Day Fund?

In the wake of this year’s second mid-year revenue failure, Governor Fallin and legislative leaders reached an agreement to tap the Rainy Day Fund to help public schools and the Department of Corrections make it through the year. The Legislature… Read more [More...]

Is this the year Oklahoma takes action to stop losing millions in unpaid online sales taxes?

Among her proposals to address the state’s enormous budget hole in last month’s State of the State address, Governor Mary Fallin called for “sales tax modernization.” Modernization could have several components, including broadening the sales tax to cover more services… Read more [More...]