Recent Articles

Legislature’s wandering budget hands get slapped again

For the second time, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt has struck down a provision of this year’s state budget, ruling that the legislature acted unconstitutionally when it pulled $5 million out of the State Health Department’s Trauma Care Assistance Fund… Read more [More...]

Now what?

This is an expanded and edited version of a column that appeared in the Journal Record As expected, Oklahoma voters have re-elected Governor Mary Fallin to a second term. Backed by a strong Republican majority in the legislature, the Governor… Read more [More...]

Health Care Reform and the 2014 Elections (Dr. Lawrence R. Jacobs)

On November 10, Dr. Lawrence R. Jacobs spoke about the future of the Affordable Care Act in the aftermath of Republican gains in the 2014 mid-term elections to a lunchtime audience at the Jim Thorpe Association and Oklahoma Sports Hall… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma fails to make gains electing women and people of color

Last week’s election raised the number of female members of Congress to 100 for the first time in history, according to a post-election article in Vox. Women now make up 19 percent of the Representatives and Senators serving in Congress.… Read more [More...]

Why we don’t vote

Sunday’s Tulsa Word featured a series of short articles by nine Tulsans explaining why they vote. These citizens spoke eloquently of their sense of civic obligation and responsibility. They spoke of the hard struggles that prior generations had fought to… Read more [More...]

The Weekly Wonk November 2, 2014

The Weekly Wonk is a summary of Oklahoma Policy Institute’s events, publications, blog posts, and coverage. Numbers of the Day and Policy Notes are from our daily news briefing, In The Know. Click here to subscribe to In The Know.… Read more [More...]

State workforce still at critically low levels

Despite four years of solid economic growth, Oklahoma’s state budget has never recovered fully from the last recession. While total state appropriations are slightly above pre-downturn levels, the FY 2015 budget is $680 million, or 7.9 percent, below FY 2009… Read more [More...]

SQ 770 & 771 would expand property tax breaks for some veterans and their families

After Oklahoma voters decided twenty state questions in 2010 and 2012, including several broad and contentious issues, this November’s ballot may seem anticlimactic. Oklahoma voters will have just three state questions to decide, none of which are especially momentous. Two… Read more [More...]

Misguided ruling could rob health care from 55,000 Oklahomans

The ruling by Oklahoma federal District Court Judge Ronald A. White that Oklahomans buying health insurance on are ineligible for tax credits may have been a victory for Attorney General Scott Pruitt. But if upheld by higher courts, it… Read more [More...]

Upcoming Event: The 2014 Elections and the Future of Health Reform

On Monday November 10th, Dr. Lawrence R. Jacobs, one of America’s foremost experts on health care policy, will give a lunchtime talk titled, “The 2014 Elections and the Future of Health Reform.” The talk, co-hosted by Oklahoma Policy Institute and… Read more [More...]