Recent Articles

Scholars Strategy Network: Connecting research and practice

Recently, I had the honor of becoming the first Oklahoma member of the Scholars Strategy Network, a new national initiative aimed at getting scholars more actively engaged in public policy issues and debates. Led by renowned Harvard political scientist Theda… Read more [More...]

Upcoming Event: New Director to give Policy & Practice Series lecture on future of DHS

The new director of the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS), Ed Lake, will speak at the next installment of the Practice and Policy Lecture Series on Monday, February 11th, from noon to 1 pm, at the Oklahoma History Center.… Read more [More...]

Turning 5: Our greatest blog hits

As we prepare to celebrate OK Policy’s fifth anniversary, we’ve gone back and selected our top five greatest hits from our blog. The winners, selected by staff, all generated strong traffic and buzz, and exemplify our efforts to apply careful… Read more [More...]

Action Items for Oklahoma: Creating a 21st Century tax system

A new issue brief released today is the first of a seven part series by OK Policy to propose public policy action items for Oklahoma. These recommendations are aimed at improving the shared prosperity of all Oklahomans while maintaining a… Read more [More...]

Wither Insure Oklahoma?

In announcing that Oklahoma would not take advantage of the opportunities provided by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to expand Medicaid to cover low-income adults, Governor Mary Fallin stated she was committed to developing an “Oklahoma Plan to reduce the… Read more [More...]

OK Policy to hold 5th Anniversary celebration honoring Melvin Moran and Robert LaFortune

On January 30th, Oklahoma Policy Institute will celebrate its fifth anniversary with a dinner at Cain's Ballroom in Tulsa. Two of Oklahoma's most venerable statesmen, Robert LaFortune of Tulsa and Melvin Moran of Seminole, will receive the OK Policy Good Cents/Good Sense Award... Read more. [More...]

The fiscal cliff and working family tax credits

This originally appeared on the Tax Credits for Working Families blog on January 2nd and is reblogged with permission. While the national media covered every twist and turn in the fiscal cliff negotiations, little attention was paid to the provisions… Read more [More...]

Revenue forecast confirms need for continued caution

In late December, the Board of Equalization certified a preliminary estimate of the revenues available for next year’s budget. The numbers confirm that while the worst of the fiscal crisis is now far behind us, the state remains in the… Read more [More...]

What Governor Fallin’s healthcare decisions mean for Oklahomans

Just before Thanksgiving, Governor Mary Fallin announced a pair of important decisions related to the Affordable Care Act. She said that Oklahoma would not participate in the expansion of Medicaid for low-income adults and would not create its own state-based… Read more [More...]

The incredible disappearing gross production tax

With all the attention last legislative session on the failed attempt to do away with the state personal income tax, a potentially bigger story seems to have escaped most people’s notice: the effective disappearance of the gross production tax. This… Read more [More...]