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OK Policy State Budget Summit, Advocate Training set for Jan 26 & 27

The Oklahoma Legislative session starts on Feb. 1, and setting the state budget is among the most impactful tasks lawmakers will tackle. To help Oklahomans better understand the state budget — and provide a look forward at the coming fiscal… Read more [More...]

In The Know: Gov. releases controversial in-person school policy | Schools facing big midyear cuts | OK Capitol security beefed up

Oklahoma students exposed to the coronavirus in school will no longer be required to quarantine; Schools face dramatic midyear cuts; Epic gains $156 million; Oklahoma Capitol security enhanced as FBI warns of armed protests; Oklahoma health experts warn of 'extremely critical' time for rising COVID hospitalizations [More...]

In the Know: OK sets virus records again | Hospitals only admitting ‘sickest of sick’ | State leaders ignored effectiveness of mask orders

Oklahoma reports record number of COVID-19 cases; Only COVID-19's 'sickest of the sick' admitted at hospitals; Stitt, state task force, ignored information proving the effectiveness of statewide mask order; Oklahoma nursing homes face impossible decisions [More...]

Weekly Wonk: Vape taxes aren’t answer for Medicaid expansion | Leaders shouldn’t hide from information | Making state budget serve everyone

Vape taxes aren’t the answer for Medicaid expansion; 'Organizational day’ at the Capitol'; A look back at 2020's top stories; Ignoring information doesn’t make problem disappear [More...]

OK Policy looks back on 2020’s biggest stories

As 2020 wound to a close, our OK Policy staff reviewed the previous 12 months. What follows is a countdown of 2020's top stories and topics from OK Policy. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: An early look at next year’s budget picture | Oklahoma deserves state leadership | Action needed to support children, families

Revenue estimates don’t make budgets. Leaders do; Oklahomans deserve state leadership; New KIDS COUNT® pandemic policy report shows immediate action needed for Oklahoma children; Policy Matters: Avoiding the benefit ‘cliff effect’ [More...]

Weekly Wonk: New report examines public support programs | Reducing courts reliance on fines and fees | Value of charitable giving

Report shows intricate, fragile interconnectedness of public assistance programs for Oklahomans; Reducing Oklahoma’s court fines and fees is police reform; An early look at two recently filed Senate Bills (Capitol Update); Charitable giving is an investment for today and tomorrow. [More...]

Weekly Wonk: How are Oklahoma children doing? | Many reasons for a special session | Fines & fees system harms families

How are Oklahoma children doing?; There are many reasons to call a special session and, contrary to claim from the Governor’s office, no reasons not to; Policy Matters: Redistricting meetings don’t account for pandemic, rural geography. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Public deserves opportunity for public comment | Fines & fees system harms families | ‘Pretty please’ isn’t enough

Public being denied opportunity for input about significant change to Oklahoma health care policy; Oklahoma’s fines and fees system worsening the economic crisis for families and courts; Managed care will have a disproportionate impact on Indigenous communities; Policy Matters: When ‘pretty please’ isn’t enough. [More...]

Public being denied opportunity for input about significant change to Oklahoma health care policy 

The Oklahoma Health Care Authority is shutting out Oklahomans from voicing concerns about a major change for health care for most SoonerCare members. On Nov. 12, the OHCA Medical Advisory Committee voted to condemn the agency’s efforts to transition the… Read more [More...]