Recent Articles

The Weekly Wonk: Oklahoma’s eviction crisis looms | Battle brewing over managed care for Medicaid | Looking at SQ 814

CDC eviction moratorium will help, but Oklahoma’s housing crisis still looms large; Battle brewing over managed care in Oklahoma; Policy Matters: SQ 814 isn’t only path to fund Medicaid expansion; Pandemic exposes shortfalls of health care system; Policy notes and numbers. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Managed care is bad investment for Oklahoma | SQ 805: Focus on Facts | Law enforcement reform

Managed care is a bad investment for Oklahoma; Policy Matters: Focus on facts when considering SQ 805; Interim studies highlight how other states passed meaningful law enforcement reform (Capitol Update); Policy notes and numbers [More...]

Weekly Wonk: Addressing SQ 805 misinformation | Medicaid expansion’s full potential | Blood sport politics

Addressing misinformation about SQ 805; Ensuring Medicaid expansion delivers on its full potential; An early look at the FY 2022 budget (Capitol Update); Policy Matters: Blood sport politics has weakened state, country. [More...]

In The Know: Voting by mail increasing in state | Interim study examines racial relations | Ensuring Medicaid expansion delivers full potential

Ensuring Medicaid expansion delivers on its full potential; Policy Matters: Blood sport politics has weakened state, country; Voting by mail increases exponentially in Oklahoma; Oklahoma House studies race relations, police and criminal justice reform [More...]

In The Know: Activity around state questions heats up | Officials warn of pending eviction crisis | An early look at FY 2022 budget

Campaigns for, against State Question 805 intensify; Health care groups form coalition to oppose SQ 814; Experts warn evictions may skyrocket in Oklahoma; An early look at the FY 2022 budget (Capitol Update) [More...]

In The Know: Auditor: Charter school system ripe for abuse | State virus deaths pass 1,000 | McGirt decision to have financial impact

In The Know is your daily briefing on Oklahoma policy-related news. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. Some stories included here are behind paywall or require subscription. OK Policy encourages the support… Read more [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Fact sheets available for SQ 805 & 814 | School meals are lifeline for Oklahoma families | Proposed state race and equality commission

Non-partisan fact sheets on the upcoming state questions; Policy Matters: Voting story provides much-needed affirmation; School meals are a lifeline for Oklahoma families; Interim study considers proposed state race and equality commission (Capitol Update); Announcing OK Policy's Fall 2020 interns and fellows. [More...]

In The Know: New program addresses food security for children | A closer look at Oklahoma’s fuel tax | Uninsured rate climbing even before pandemic

In The Know is your daily briefing on Oklahoma policy-related news. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. Some stories included here are behind paywall or require subscription. OK Policy encourages the support… Read more [More...]

In The Know: Parole board decreases commutation reviews | Prisons continue to be virus hotspot | Interim studies review police reforms

Parole board decreases commutation reviews, potentially creating a backlog; Interim studies review police reform; Oklahoma’s hotspots continue to be in prisons; Tackling unanswered COVID-19 questions. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: COVID-19 in Oklahoma prisons is a moral emergency | Interim studies examine police reform | Building community unity

COVID-19 in Oklahoma prisons is a moral emergency; Policy Matters: Fulfilling our moral responsibility; Interim studies examine police reform measures; Building Community Unity. [More...]