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Oklahomans will go another year without solutions to housing crisis (2024 Legislative Wrap-up)

Oklahoma does not have enough housing, especially for low-income families. The state has a severe shortage of housing that is affordable for extremely low-income renters and evictions are on the rise. As pandemic-related rental assistance ends, the situation will become more dire. [More...]

Criminalizing homelessness is harmful and ineffective

Proposals to criminalize homelessness are harmful and counterproductive. Research shows us that the best way to combat homelessness is to increase access to affordable housing. [More...]

A job isn’t enough to afford housing for many Oklahomans

State leaders often say the answer to housing instability is a job – but jobs don’t help if they don’t pay enough. Wages have risen at less than half the rate of rent for the last two decades, putting working… Read more [More...]

Ending single-family zoning would help close Oklahoma’s housing gap

Ending single-family zoning and allowing small multi-family homes is a proven path to improved housing availability and affordability; it’s one that Oklahoma policymakers should consider. [More...]

Oklahoma legislators need to do more to expand access to housing

Co-authored by Sabine Brown, Infrastructure and Access Senior Policy Analyst for the Oklahoma Policy Institute, and Justice Jones, Homelessness and Affordable Housing Policy Analyst for Housing Solutions – – – Oklahoma is in the midst of a housing crisis. With… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma lawmakers need to close the affordable housing gap

Call to Action • Contact members of the Senate Finance committee and ask them to support more affordable housing by voting YES on HB 2040 and HB 2098. • Contact members of the Business and Commerce committee and ask them… Read more [More...]

Renters need protection against landlord retaliation

Unlike most other states, Oklahoma does not protect tenants against landlord retaliation when they report health or safety violations to their landlord, a government agency, or when they organize other tenants to advocate with their landlord for needed repairs. Oklahoma… Read more [More...]

Plain language eviction summons can help Oklahomans in eviction court

Call to Action HB 2792, filed during the 2023 legislative session by Rep. Preston Stinson, would update eviction summons language. The bill has been assigned to the House Civil Judiciary Committee and is scheduled for a committee hearing on Thursday, March… Read more [More...]

Housing is unaffordable for Oklahoma’s low-wage workers

Updated, 11/6/2023 to reflect updated statistics for Oklahoma from the National Low Income Housing Coalition.  — Oklahomans working a full-time job should be able to provide basic needs for themselves and their families, but 2 in 5 Oklahomans are unable… Read more [More...]

Medicaid expansion improves housing stability

Oklahomans who voted for State Question 802 in 2020 knew that Medicaid expansion would bring greater access to quality health care, but what voters may not have known is that Medicaid expansion plays a role in keeping people safely housed.… Read more [More...]