The Weekly Wonk: Every vote counts | Voting & elections: Policy notes and numbers | We’re hiring!

Every vote counts; Voting & elections: Policy notes and numbers; We're hiring! [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Closer look at SQ 802 results | Parole reform successes | Census matters for rural Oklahoma

A closer look at SQ 802 results; Parole reform was crucial in ending Oklahoma’s status as the world’s prison capital; Varied backgrounds of elected officials can bring innovative solutions; Policy Matters: Accurate census count invaluable for rural Oklahomans. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Funding Medicaid expansion | Addressing the eviction crisis | Justice reform measures working

Medicaid expansion will be the best investment we’ve ever made; Eviction crisis likely to be important issue next session; Justice reform efforts deliver results; Accurate Census count needed. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Additional federal relief | Installment loans | Justice reform | Shared sacrifices

Policy Matters: Federal relief funds help Oklahomans in need; Installment loans not the answer to financial hardship; Burglary reclassification is another measurable win for criminal justice reform; Providing legal representation could begin to fix Oklahoma’s broken eviction process. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Investing in student needs | Protecting the Census | Criminal justice system: Policy notes & numbers

Investing in student needs; Businesses led change when elected officials didn't; Protecting the Census; Public service and 'the highest calling'; Criminal justice policy notes & numbers. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: State not ready for schools to reopen in person | Pardon & Parole Board turmoil

What’s up this week at Oklahoma Policy Institute? The Weekly Wonk shares our most recent publications and other resources to help you stay informed about Oklahoma. Numbers of the Day and Policy Notes are from our daily news briefing, In… Read more [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Additional federal support would provide relief | Paths to funding Medicaid expansion

Additional federal support would provide relief to Oklahomans; Possible paths to fund Medicaid expansion; Opening schools safely depends on following medical, scientific advice [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Children are Oklahoma’s best investment | An early look at requested House interim studies

Children – the best investment we can make; An early look at requested interim studies in the House; State and nation lack leadership and resources to do what's necessary to stop virus spread - test, trace, isolate. [More...]

Oklahomans pass SQ 802 | State should accommodate vote by mail (The Weekly Wonk)

Passing SQ 802 – next step to a stronger Oklahoma; Medicaid expansion can address Oklahoma’s mental health and criminal justice needs; Oklahomans show they can vote by mail, and the state should accommodate them. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Oklahomans decide SQ 802 on Tuesday | Information, resources and analysis

New analyses from OK Policy and Families USA quantify benefits of Medicaid expansion in Oklahoma; SQ 802 will dramatically improve financial well-being in Oklahoma; SQ 802 is a win for criminal justice reform in Oklahoma; KIDS COUNT 2020: Oklahoma ranks 45th for child well-being. [More...]