Weekly Wonk: Zoning reforms would help address housing needs | Proposed bill would provide overdue legal reform | Senator’s ‘filth’ comment shameful | More

What’s up this week at Oklahoma Policy Institute? The Weekly Wonk shares our most recent publications and other resources to help you stay informed about Oklahoma. Numbers of the Day and Policy Notes are from our daily news briefing, In… Read more [More...]

Weekly Wonk: Better ways to deliver fiscal relief than cutting grocery sales tax | Living wage out of reach for many Oklahomans | Capitol Update

What’s up this week at Oklahoma Policy Institute? The Weekly Wonk shares our most recent publications and other resources to help you stay informed about Oklahoma. Numbers of the Day and Policy Notes are from our daily news briefing, In… Read more [More...]

Weekly Wonk: How do new immigrants fare in our economy? | Oklahomans get what we pay for | 2024 Legislative Primer | More

What’s up this week at Oklahoma Policy Institute? The Weekly Wonk shares our most recent publications and other resources to help you stay informed about Oklahoma. Numbers of the Day and Policy Notes are from our daily news briefing, In… Read more [More...]

Weekly Wonk: A job isn’t enough to afford housing for most Oklahomans | MODERN task force released | What to expect when expecting chaos | Civil rights movement helped create Head Start

What’s up this week at Oklahoma Policy Institute? The Weekly Wonk shares our most recent publications and other resources to help you stay informed about Oklahoma. Numbers of the Day and Policy Notes are from our daily news briefing, In… Read more [More...]

Weekly Wonk: Oklahoma tax cuts part of damaging national trend | Legislature shouldn’t be ‘Fear Factor’ | Policy notes, numbers

What’s up this week at Oklahoma Policy Institute? The Weekly Wonk shares our most recent publications and other resources to help you stay informed about Oklahoma. Numbers of the Day and Policy Notes are from our daily news briefing, In… Read more [More...]

Weekly Wonk: Task force is step backwards for Tribal/state relations | Oklahomans need solutions, not grandstanding | Policy notes, numbers

What’s up this week at Oklahoma Policy Institute? The Weekly Wonk shares our most recent publications and other resources to help you stay informed about Oklahoma. Numbers of the Day and Policy Notes are from our daily news briefing, In… Read more [More...]

Weekly Wonk: New reports show state’s racial, economic disparities | Big tax cuts could prevent investments | Corporate tax cuts popular with lawmakers, despite public sentiment

What’s up this week at Oklahoma Policy Institute? The Weekly Wonk shares our most recent publications and other resources to help you stay informed about Oklahoma. Numbers of the Day and Policy Notes are from our daily news briefing, In… Read more [More...]

Weekly Wonk: Rule change threatens voter-approved reforms | Addressing deferred maintenance on Oklahoma’s higher ed campuses | Feeding hungry children in our communities

Rule change threatens voter-approved reforms | Addressing deferred maintenance on Oklahoma’s higher ed campuses | Feeding hungry children in our communities [More...]

Weekly Wonk: 2023 in Review | Equalization board sets FY2025 budget estimate | Restoring the Oklahoma Standard | More

What’s up this week at Oklahoma Policy Institute? The Weekly Wonk shares our most recent publications and other resources to help you stay informed about Oklahoma. Numbers of the Day and Policy Notes are from our daily news briefing, In… Read more [More...]

Weekly Wonk: One simple trick to help the economy | Revisiting single-family zoning | Media literacy | Capitol Update

What’s up this week at Oklahoma Policy Institute? The Weekly Wonk shares our most recent publications and other resources to help you stay informed about Oklahoma. Numbers of the Day and Policy Notes are from our daily news briefing, In… Read more [More...]