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In The Know: Rally for health coverage; consent education law signed; boosting online sales taxes…

In The Know is your daily briefing on Oklahoma policy-related news. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. Click here to subscribe to In The Know and see past editions. New from OK… Read more [More...]

In The Know: Lawsuit cap struck down; Legislature considers coverage expansion; Stitt opposes Medicaid on ballot…

In The Know is your daily briefing on Oklahoma policy-related news. Inclusion of a story does not necessarily mean endorsement by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. Click here to subscribe to In The Know and see past editions. New from OK… Read more [More...]

In The Know: Stitt rejects citizen involvement; pressure mounts to expand Medicaid; ending 4-day weeks tied to teacher raise…

In his first veto, Gov. Stitt rejects citizen involvement. Pressure mounts to expand Medicaid in Oklahoma. Lawmakers Want Oklahoma Health Care Authority to Use Debt Collectors in More Cases. Bill pushing schools away from four-day week being wrapped into teacher-raise measure. [More...]

In The Know: Lawmakers consider expanding health coverage; Medicaid ballot initiative filed; options for education budget…

Lawmakers wrestle with expanded health coverage plan. Oklahoma Medicaid expansion ballot initiative filed. Lawmakers mull options for education budget. Legislature leans heavily on copy-paste legislation. [More...]

In The Know: Medicaid expansion on the ballot; 91,000 voters purged; OK County jail takeover…

Medicaid expansion may become ballot initiative, according to policy group, lawmaker. Oklahoma Election Board purges 91,000 from voter rolls. Troubled Oklahoma County jail could be operated by private company under plan being considered. [More...]

In The Know: Life in the coverage crater; first Stitt veto; OU regents nomination opposed…

Video: Life in the Coverage Crater. Stitt vetoes first bill. Bill banning tax on plastic bags goes to governor. Stitt's OU regents nomination faces opposition. [More...]

In The Know: Structural deficit remains; stop prison growth; fewer Oklahoma farms…

Criminal justice reform advocates: 'Stop prison growth'. Is Alabama a cautionary tale for Oklahoma? AG assigns interim board of directors to handle city, county Purdue settlement funds. Number of Oklahoma farms down, acreage of farmland remains flat. [More...]

In The Know: A day without taxes; high black maternal deaths; Stitt picks veterans secretary…

Oklahoma lawmakers address high black maternal death rate. Stitt taps Secretary of Veterans Affairs and Military. Stitt abandons effort to force shift of dollars into classrooms. What will it cost to rebuild Oklahoma's schools? [More...]

In The Know: Health coverage forums; new study on doctor shortage; Oklahoma cancels halfway house contracts…

Medicaid expansion in focus at forum. Study reaffirms Oklahoma's doctor shortage. Corrections department cancels contracts with halfway houses. More than 250 state legislative bills hit the recycling bin on deadline day. [More...]

In The Know: OKC life expectancy varies by zip code; spotlight on jail conditions; no help for state retirees this year…

Depending on your OKC zip code, you could live 18-years longer or less than others. Sheriff revolt over county jail conditions shines spotlight on low funding. Non-jury trial to decide Oklahoma's lawsuit against opioid manufacturers. No hike for state retirees this year: Senate committee does not approve cost of living increase. [More...]


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