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In The Know: Eviction crisis imminent statewide | Oklahoma County Jail Trust allots CARES Act Funds | Early research on local mask mandates

Wave of evictions imminent statewide; Oklahoma County commissioners give jail $34 million despite protests; Early research shows Oklahoma cities with mask mandates have lower positivity rate than those with no policy; [More...]

In The Know: Stitt, Hofmeister disagree on mask mandates | Mask extensions | Outbreaks in prisons

Stitt, Hofmeister disagree on mask mandates for schools; Mask extension appears likely in Oklahoma City; Former inmate speaks out after a COVID-19 outbreak within the prisons; [More...]

In The Know: Oklahoma withdraws block grant | 320 prisoners infected | Protesters shut down Oklahoma County jail trust meeting

Oklahoma withdraws block grant proposal following Medicaid expansion vote; Oklahoma seeks $300-a-week unemployment supplement; 320 Oklahoma Prisoners Infected With COVID-19 [More...]

In The Know: White House COVID Coordinator in Oklahoma | School districts adjust | Postal Service warning on election deadlines

White House COVID coordinator emphasizes face coverings, social distancing during Tulsa meeting; Mask mandates appear to be helping Oklahoma control its coronavirus outbreak; Here are Oklahoma school districts where COVID-19 cases have been discovered since school began; [More...]

In The Know: State health department calls for more mask usage | Oklahoma County jail may receive $42 million in CARES funds | Virus cases reported in schools

State public health advisory — Speed up COVID-19 testing, wear face coverings in counties with moderate risk; Final FY 2020 revenue slightly better than expected; Initial jobless claims drop again in Oklahoma; [More...]

In The Know: Supporting Oklahomans with federal relief funds | SQ 805 set for Nov. 3 election | EPIC Charter Schools fined

Policy Matters: Federal relief funds help Oklahomans in need; SQ 805 set for Nov. 3 election; Oklahoma County judge imposes $500,000 fine on Epic Charter Schools' nonprofit; More Oklahoma County jail inmates test positive. [More...]

In The Know: Schools still wrestling with virus plans | Analysis shows justice reform measures yield positive change | Installment loans trap borrowers

Installment loans not the answer to financial hardship; Burglary reclassification is another measurable win for criminal justice reform; [More...]

In The Know: Lawmakers urge aid talks resume | Rural schools begin opening in person | Most Oklahoma maternal deaths preventable

Providing legal representation could begin to fix Oklahoma’s broken eviction process; In wake of Trump orders, Oklahoma lawmakers say congressional aid package talks should resume; Most of Oklahoma’s maternal deaths preventable, state review finds; Rural Oklahoma school districts are back to school – in person. [More...]

In The Know: Tribes sue over two recent gaming compacts | Need for school counselors grows, but funding lags | More

Four tribes sue over Oklahoma gambling compacts with 2 others; As need grows for school counselors, Oklahoma's funding lags behind; Absentee voting surged in the primaries. [More...]

In The Know: Stitt: No need for more stimulus until state spends previous funds | A closer look at CARES Act spending

Coronavirus in Oklahoma: Governor announces new regional surge plan, opposes additional federal bailout; Oklahoma health commissioner: 'a little too early' to say COVID cases have plateaued; [More...]


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