Statement Re: Passage of State Question 802

Statement from the Oklahoma Policy Institute: Oklahomans made the right choice Tuesday by passing SQ 802, which will provide life-changing health care coverage for more than 200,000 Oklahomans and create a significant economic stimulus when implemented. OK Policy is grateful… Read more [More...]

Statement: Gov. Stitt press conference about June 25 Medicaid audit findings

Below is the Oklahoma Policy Institute’s statement regarding Gov. Stitt’s press conference today about the Medicaid audit he ordered nearly 16 months ago:  “The Oklahoma Health Care Authority provides quality care, delivered efficiently, to hundreds of thousands of Oklahomans. The… Read more [More...]

New analyses from OK Policy and Families USA quantify benefits of Medicaid expansion in Oklahoma

Organizations show impact of proposed initiative to cover more people and draw down more federal dollars Medicaid expansion in Oklahoma will create jobs, help the state budget and change lives, according to two new reports released by the Oklahoma Policy… Read more [More...]

KIDS COUNT 2020: Oklahoma ranks 45th for child well-being

Oklahoma children continue to lag behind most states when it comes to major health and well-being indicators, according to the 2020 edition of the KIDS COUNT® Data Book published annually by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Oklahoma ranks 45th overall… Read more [More...]

OK Policy Board of Directors elects new board officers 

The Oklahoma Policy Institute elected new board officers during its June 12 board meeting.  Incoming board officers will be serving a two-year term for the following offices:  Chair: Dr. Joseph Siano of Norman, who serves as associate executive director of… Read more [More...]

Statement: We can’t undo the past. But together, we can build a better future.

Statement from the Oklahoma Policy Institute:  Racism takes many forms. Most of us are familiar with — and openly decry — the overt and direct racism that stems from ignorance, fear, and hatred. The more insidious racism is concealed and… Read more [More...]

Gov. Stitt turns his back on thousands of Oklahomans who need health insurance due to pandemic

Thousands of Oklahomans lost their health care when they lost their jobs during this pandemic. Gov. Stitt recognized the enormity of their losses, then turned his back on them by vetoing a bill that would have brought much-needed health care… Read more [More...]

SB210: Lawmakers had the opportunity this week to take a stand for election integrity. They chose not to.

On Thursday, the Oklahoma Senate advanced SB 210, which will cement barriers to voting by mail, to Gov. Stitt’s desk. Passed in the middle of a pandemic, this bill would roll back a state Supreme Court decision from just days ago and continues the shameful shell game that began yesterday in the House. [More...]

‘Three-bill Monte’: Lawmakers fail transparency test, advance absentee voter barriers 

Statement, attributable to OK Policy Executive Director Ahniwake Rose:  The Oklahoma House on Wednesday played ‘three-bill monte’ with legislation that would keep many Oklahomans from voting safely. The legislative changes, made just minutes before floor debate began, appeared to be… Read more [More...]

Statement: SB 1779 would introduce unneeded barriers to voting, invite lawsuits

Just a day after the Oklahoma Supreme Court removed barriers to absentee voting, the Oklahoma Legislature is quietly advancing a bill to make it harder to vote by mail. The Oklahoma House will consider SB 1779 as soon as Wednesday.… Read more [More...]