Statement: Lawmakers should heed Governor Fallin’s call to fix structural deficit

Oklahoma Policy Institute released the following comment in response to Governor Fallin’s State of the State address: We applaud Governor Fallin’s call to fix Oklahoma’s structural budget deficits and reverse years of funding cuts that are damaging the health and… Read more [More...]

Statement: With failure of SQ 779, lawmakers must take responsibility for restoring school funding

Oklahoma Policy Institute released the following statement on the failure of SQ 779, the sales tax increase for education: SQ 779 did not reach majority support even though Oklahomans widely acknowledge that we must improve school funding. The results of this… Read more [More...]

Statement: Lawmakers have not risen to the challenge of a historic budget shortfall

Oklahoma Policy Institute released the following statement in response to the state budget deal announced by lawmakers: Lawmakers have not risen to the challenge of a historic budget shortfall. While this budget deal may prevent further cuts to common education… Read more [More...]

Statement on votes to end “double deduction” and slash Earned Income Tax Credit

Oklahoma Policy Institute issued the following statement in response to the House of Representatives giving final passage to SB 1604, which makes the state Earned Income Tax Credit non-refundable, and SB 1606, which ends the “double deduction”: The legislators who… Read more [More...]

Statement: Oklahoma has a responsible solution to tobacco tax standoff

Oklahoma Policy Institute released the following statement in response to the standoff in the Legislature over a tobacco tax increase: Accepting available federal dollars for health care and rolling back an income tax cut that should not be happening in… Read more [More...]

Dozens of clergy, non-profits, and foundation leaders speak out to defend broad-based tax credits

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Oklahoma City — More than 140 religious leaders and over two dozen non-profit organizations and foundations are speaking out against state budget plans that threaten tax credits for hundreds of thousands of working families and seniors. Clergy… Read more [More...]

Pastoral Letter to Protect Broad-Based Tax Credits

Note: This letter was delivered to legislators and Governor Fallin on May 11th. Additional signatories are noted in italics [Download the letter as a PDF] “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who… Read more [More...]

New poll: Large majority of Oklahoma voters favor income tax increases to prevent funding cuts

A new poll shows that large majorities of Oklahoma voters favor stopping this year’s income tax cut and restoring a 6.65 percent top income tax rate for the wealthiest households to ease the state budget emergency. Solid majorities of both… Read more [More...]

Statement: Plan to accept federal funds for health care can be key piece to prevent budget disaster

Oklahoma Policy Institute released the following statement in response to news that the Oklahoma Health Care Authority has developed plans to accept federal funds for expanding health coverage: It is great news for Oklahoma that state officials have come up… Read more [More...]

Norman Superintendent, Cherokee Nation business leader join OK Policy Board

Oklahoma Policy Institute is pleased to announce that Dr. Joseph (Joe) Siano, Superintendent of Norman Public Schools, and Charles (Chuck) Garrett, executive vice president at Cherokee Nation Businesses, have joined our Board of Directors. “We are delighted to add two… Read more [More...]