Numbers of the Day
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Percentage of child care workers who are women of color. Women of color represent 20% of the U.S. population.
[Source: Real Clear Politics]
The cumulative number of Oklahomans who have filed unemployment claims during the COVID-19 pandemic
The median net worth of white households is about 10 times the median net worth of Black households. A report from the U.S. Federal Reserve found the median wealth for white families was about $171,000, while the median wealth for Black families was $17,600 and for Latino families was $20,700.
The number of racial profiling complaints against police that have been filed in Oklahoma since 2008. All were returned with a “no cause” finding, with the exception of four pending cases and one that was referred to the FBI in 2013. The annual profiling reports, however, likely provide an incomplete picture of complaints.
Federal laws providing broad nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ Americans. Thirty states also do not provide such protections. [Source: Public Religion Research Institute]
Note: Lamba Legal provides an overview of Oklahoma laws that protect LGBTQ people and people living with HIV.
Percentage of Americans who think the United States hasn’t gone far enough in giving Black people equal rights with whites. The percentage of Black respondents who felt that way was 78 percent compared with 48 percent for Latino respondents and 37 percent for white respondents.
Estimated number of Oklahoma schoolchildren who lack home internet access [StateImpact Oklahoma]
The number of medical marijuana patient licenses approved by the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority as of May 1, 2020.
[Source: Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority]
Percentage of Oklahomans who have completed their 2020 Census as of May 24, 2020, which lags the national average of 60.1%. [U.S. Census Bureau]
Estimated number of Oklahomans who would be uninsured at 15% unemployment rate. The estimated number rises to 133,00 at 20% unemployment.