Numbers of the Day
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Average salary for classified employees of the Oklahoma Department of Corrections, 21 percent below the average salary for similar jobs in other states and the private sector.
Source: Oklahoma Office of Management and Enterprise Services.
How much the average salary for Oklahoma state employees is below comparable jobs in other states and the private sector.
Source: Oklahoma Office of Management and Enterprise Services
Cost of living in Oklahoma as a percentage of the national average (1st quarter, 2015).
Percent increase in the number of housing units in Oklahoma from 2010 (1,666,093) to 2014 (1,699,438).
Source: Pew Charitable Trusts
Obesity rate in Oklahoma 2014, the fifth-highest obesity rate in the US that year
Source: Gallup Healthways.
Average salary of Oklahoma public school teachers as a percentage of the national average, 2013-2014.
Source: National Education Association.
Oklahoma’s ranking for the percentage of kids participating in a federal summer nutrition program, out of all 50 states and Washington DC.
Source: Food Research and Action Center
Projected number of lives saved per year if Oklahoma accepts federal funds to expand health coverage to low-income Oklahomans.
Percentage of Oklahoma women age 15 to 50 who gave birth in 2013.
Estimated number of people employed by woman-owned businesses in Oklahoma in 2015