Numbers of the Day
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Percent decrease in Oklahoma’s teen birth rate from 2010 to 2017.
[Source: KIDS COUNT]
Oklahoma’s national ranking for the percentage of public high schools (98.8%) offering concurrent enrollment in college coursework compared to 75.2% nationally.
[Source: Oklahoma State Department of Education]
Percentage of murders that were intimate-partner murders (one spouse killing the other) in 2017
[Source: Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation]
Median prison stay for commercial drug crimes in Oklahoma in FY 2018. This is 60 percent longer than the national average.
[Source: Oklahoma Department of Corrections]
Percent of adults served by Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) that were employed in jobs in their communities – one of the highest rates in the nation
[Source: Oklahoma Department of Human Services]
Percent the mean hourly wage for all workers in the OKC metro was below the national average in May 2019.
[Source: U.S. Department of Labor]
The total economic impact that tribes made in Oklahoma in 2017. In addition to direct contributions, tribes generate billions in production by companies that support tribes’ business operations.
[Source: Oklahoma Native Impact]
Percent of Oklahoma certified teachers no longer in the classroom in 2017 who said they would need more than higher pay to go back to the classroom.
[Source: State Department of Education]
The number of jobs that Oklahoma tribes supported in the state in 2017, representing $4.6 billion in wages and benefits to Oklahoma workers.
[Source: Oklahoma Native Impact]
Percent decrease in enrollment in bachelor’s of education programs across all Oklahoma state colleges and universities from 2008-2018