Numbers of the Day
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Total population increase in Oklahoma from July 1, 2017 to July 1, 2018.
[Source: U.S. Census]
Percentage of Oklahoma households that reported falling behind on bills in the last 12 months, compared to 13.2% of households nationally.
[Source: Prosperity Now Scorecard]
Increase in drug overdose deaths in Oklahoma from 2003-2018.
[Source: The Oklahoma Commission on Opioid Abuse]
Number of opioid prescriptions dispensed in Oklahoma in 2017, which equates to 106.7 opioid prescriptions per 100 people.
Number of reported flu deaths in Oklahoma since Sept. 1, 2018
[Source: Oklahoma Health Department]
Projected increase in the number of Oklahoma prison inmates by 2026 under current policies.
[Source: Department of Corrections]
The number of Oklahoma inmates suspected of having Hepatitis C.
[Source: Department of Corrections]
2018 homeownership rate for the Tulsa metro, 11th highest out of the 75 largest metro areas. Oklahoma City ranked 34th with a homeownership rate of 64.6%.
[Source: U.S. Census]
Amount that Oklahoma has cut per student higher education spending since 2008, adjusted for inflation.
[Source: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities]
Total requested Department of Corrections appropriation for FY 2020, a more than $1 billion increase.
[Source: Department of Corrections]