Numbers of the Day
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Percentage of those who died from opioid overdoses in Oklahoma who were white, non-Hispanic in 2014. White, non-Hispanic Oklahomans are 66.5% of the state’s population.
Source: Kaiser Family Foundation
The number of Oklahoma preschool students who were suspended in the 2011-12 school year.
Source: Civil Rights Data Collection
BTUs of natural gas used by Oklahomans in 2013
How much teachers earn in Oklahoma compared to other college graduates in the state, the 6th lowest percentage in the nation.
Source: Economic Policy Institute
Rank of Oklahoma City out of the 100 largest metropolitan statistical areas for the percentage facing food hardship (2014). Tulsa was ranked 24th.
Source: Food Research and Action Center
Estimated number of LGBT adults in Oklahoma (2010).
Source: Williams Institute
The percentage of US natural gas produced in Oklahoma in 2014
Percentage of Oklahoma’s population that uses SNAP to afford food, 14th highest out of all 50 states (April 2016)
Source: Food Research and Action Center
Percent of Oklahomans who said the appearance of their teeth impacts their ability to interview for a job.
Source: American Dental Association
Total carbon dioxide emissions by Oklahoma in 2013.