Numbers of the Day
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Percentage of Oklahoma infants born in 2015 who were ever breastfed, the 5th lowest rate in the U.S.
Percentage of all Oklahoma jobs that are in local government (July 2018), the highest of any sector.
Percentage of Oklahomans who couldn’t vote in 2016 because of felony convictions, up from 0.8% in 1980
Unemployment rate in McIntosh County, June 2018, highest in Oklahoma
Median rent in Tulsa in June 2018, a 4% decrease from the previous year.
Growth in mining and logging jobs (including oil & gas industry) in Oklahoma from July 2017 to July 2018, the highest increase of any sector.
Estimated number of African Americans in Oklahoma who couldn’t vote in 2016 due to felony convictions. This is approximately 7% of the voting age African American population in the state.
Percentage of all Oklahoma businesses with paid employees that did not have a website (2016).
Share of rentals in the Oklahoma City metro area that were affordable to black households (costing less than 30% of their income), compared to 84.1% of rentals that were affordable to white households.
Unemployment rate in Cimarron and Blaine Counties, May 2018, the lowest in Oklahoma.