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Interim study examines ways to reduce Oklahoma’s incarceration levels (Capitol Update)

It’s still early to know if major criminal legal reform is going to be on the legislative agenda for next session. I think there is a sincere desire by legislators to bring Oklahoma’s prison population to a more rational level… Read more [More...]

Weekly Wonk: Reversing Native erasure | Resources for troubled children | A Better Path Forward

Policy Matters: Reversing Native erasure; Interim study looks at services, resources for troubled children, families (Capitol Update); Save The Date, Oct. 27: A Better Path Forward: OK Policy will be hosting a presentation about improving Oklahoma's budget and tax systems to work on behalf of all Oklahomans. [More...]

Interim study looks at services, resources for troubled children, families (Capitol Update)

Rep. Daniel Pae, R-Lawton, hosted an interim study in the House Children, Family, and Youth Committee chaired by Rep. Carol Bush, R-Tulsa, last week to look at the feasibility of adding a “Family in Need of Services (FINS)” category to… Read more [More...]

Weekly Wonk: Increasing access to expungement | A call for civility | Fixing the child care system

Interim study examines how to increase access to expungement (Capitol Update); Policy Matters: A Call for Civility; Government must play a role in fixing child care system [More...]

Interim study examines increasing access to expungement (Capitol Update)

Recently Rep. Nicole Miller, R-Edmond, hosted an interim study in the House Judiciary-Criminal Committee on potential criminal record expungement reform. The purpose of criminal justice is to separate offenders from society where necessary for protection, to deter future criminal misconduct,… Read more [More...]

Weekly Wonk: State already benefitting from Medicaid expansion | Bipartisan justice reform | Legislative transparency

Thanks to Oklahoma voters, the state is already reaping the benefits of Medicaid expansion; Interim study examines legislative transparency (Capitol Update); Policy Matters: Justice reform issues showcase bipartisanship [More...]

Thanks to Oklahoma voters, the state is already reaping the benefits of Medicaid expansion

Medicaid expansion went into effect just over two months ago, and some of these benefits are already playing out in the state. Oklahoma has historically had a very high uninsured rate, ranking second highest in the nation with 14.3 percent of the population without health insurance.   [More...]

Interim study examines legislative transparency (Capitol Update)

Many legislative decisions, large and small, are made in discussions behind closed doors. The public, and even some fellow legislators, never hear about the decisions until it’s too late to make an effective challenge.  [More...]

Weekly Wonk: COVID-19 leave can protect communities | Interim study of court funding | Mental health

COVID-19 leave supports employees, protects communities; Interim study examines using fines and fees to fund court operations; COVID relief helped address poverty in Oklahoma; Mental health and jails, prisons [More...]

Interim study examines using fines and fees to fund court operations (Capitol Update)

Last week Rep. Chris Kannady, R-OKC, Chairman of the Judiciary-Civil Committee, held an interim study hosted by Rep. Danny Williams, R-Seminole, on the issue of excessive court costs, fees, and assessments in criminal cases. When a person is sentenced, in… Read more [More...]

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