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Ahniwake Rose takes OK Policy helm while organization honors outgoing director David Blatt with Legacy Fund and Events

Today marks a new era in the history of Oklahoma Policy Institute (OK Policy) as Ahniwake Rose takes over the helm as Executive Director, succeeding longtime director David Blatt. [More...]

Not so Quik! (Capitol Update)

QuikTrip is run by very smart businesspeople. Perhaps they should employ better risk management practices and not rely on taxpayers to pay the actual and social costs of felony charges and imprisonment for petty thieves. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: SQ 802 endorsement; restoring the EITC; public charge rule, & (much) more

What’s up this week at Oklahoma Policy Institute? The Weekly Wonk shares our most recent publications and other resources to help you stay informed about Oklahoma. Numbers of the Day and Policy Notes are from our daily news briefing, In… Read more [More...]

Don’t Believe the Hype: Recent justice reforms are working

Anecdotal stories about crime should not be the basis of policy, and Oklahoma should continue to pursue evidence-based criminal justice reform to reduce our state’s expensive incarceration crisis. [More...]

Oklahoma Policy Institute is endorsing State Question 802. Here’s why

By endorsing SQ 802, we will stand with our longstanding partners, allies, and funders in promoting this nonpartisan effort to expand access to health coverage. [More...]

Medicaid expansion could help address Oklahoma’s surging meth crisis

In 2017, methamphetamine (also known as speed or ice) was one of the main contributors to Oklahoma’s overdose deaths. It’s difficult to recover from methamphetamine addiction — most individuals relapse within their first year of treatment. Medicaid expansion would allow the state to serve lower-income populations that are affected by meth use by making addiction treatment available to a greater portion of the state. [More...]

Restoring the Earned Income Tax Credit is necessary and overdue

When the Legislature ended Oklahoma’s Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) refundability in 2016, they reduced an essential tax benefit for over 200,000 Oklahoma families. Prior to that change, if the amount a family received from the EITC was larger than… Read more [More...]

The Administration’s new immigration rules are already hurting families – and it’s going to get worse

Earlier this month, the Department of Homeland Security issued a final rule that will make it harder for low-income immigrants to legally come to the United States, and more difficult to stay here once they’ve come. [More...]

Custody death of 16-year old may help spark changes in pretrial juvenile detention (Capitol Update)

These three recent actions together - change in federal law, the investigation and recommendations for change by OCCY, and OJA's desire to update the state detention plan - may create an opportunity for progress in the area of pretrial treatment of juvenile offenders [More...]

OK Policy selects second class of fellows for Oklahoma Mental Health Policy Fellowship

Oklahoma Policy Institute has hired Ky’lee Barnoski and Bobby Koolis as the second class of fellows for the Oklahoma Mental Health Policy Fellowship.  [More...]

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