The Weekly Wonk: An early look at next year’s budget picture | Oklahoma deserves state leadership | Action needed to support children, families

Revenue estimates don’t make budgets. Leaders do; Oklahomans deserve state leadership; New KIDS COUNT® pandemic policy report shows immediate action needed for Oklahoma children; Policy Matters: Avoiding the benefit ‘cliff effect’ [More...]

Weekly Wonk: New report examines public support programs | Reducing courts reliance on fines and fees | Value of charitable giving

Report shows intricate, fragile interconnectedness of public assistance programs for Oklahomans; Reducing Oklahoma’s court fines and fees is police reform; An early look at two recently filed Senate Bills (Capitol Update); Charitable giving is an investment for today and tomorrow. [More...]

Weekly Wonk: How are Oklahoma children doing? | Many reasons for a special session | Fines & fees system harms families

How are Oklahoma children doing?; There are many reasons to call a special session and, contrary to claim from the Governor’s office, no reasons not to; Policy Matters: Redistricting meetings don’t account for pandemic, rural geography. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Public deserves opportunity for public comment | Fines & fees system harms families | ‘Pretty please’ isn’t enough

Public being denied opportunity for input about significant change to Oklahoma health care policy; Oklahoma’s fines and fees system worsening the economic crisis for families and courts; Managed care will have a disproportionate impact on Indigenous communities; Policy Matters: When ‘pretty please’ isn’t enough. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: SQ 805’s defeat doesn’t signal end of justice reform efforts | Census numbers require more context

OK Policy announces Angela Monson as Outreach and Legislative Director; SQ 805’s defeat doesn’t signal end of justice reform efforts (Capitol Update); Policy Matters: Census numbers require 99.9% more context; Notes and numbers. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Voters have spoken, but issues remain | Moving forward together after election | Election notes and numbers

The voters have spoken, but issues remain; Enid News & Eagle: Accept election results and work to help country; Election news and notes. [More...]

Weekly Wonk: Managed care bad for patients, providers | Choosing healthy news | Election news and notes

Managed care will be bad for patients and providers; Choose healthy news over junk; Extending teleconference meeting law requires special session (Capitol Update); Voting hits close to home; Election news & notes. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Oklahoma’s eviction crisis looms | Battle brewing over managed care for Medicaid | Looking at SQ 814

CDC eviction moratorium will help, but Oklahoma’s housing crisis still looms large; Battle brewing over managed care in Oklahoma; Policy Matters: SQ 814 isn’t only path to fund Medicaid expansion; Pandemic exposes shortfalls of health care system; Policy notes and numbers. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Managed care is bad investment for Oklahoma | SQ 805: Focus on Facts | Law enforcement reform

Managed care is a bad investment for Oklahoma; Policy Matters: Focus on facts when considering SQ 805; Interim studies highlight how other states passed meaningful law enforcement reform (Capitol Update); Policy notes and numbers [More...]

Weekly Wonk: Addressing SQ 805 misinformation | Medicaid expansion’s full potential | Blood sport politics

Addressing misinformation about SQ 805; Ensuring Medicaid expansion delivers on its full potential; An early look at the FY 2022 budget (Capitol Update); Policy Matters: Blood sport politics has weakened state, country. [More...]