“If the goal is confusion, it has been attained.”

-Former House Speaker Steve Lewis, writing about the state submitting the Governor’s health care proposal to federal officials prior to a statewide vote on SQ 802 [Steve Lewis / OK Policy]

“Our grassroots campaign has forced the governor’s hand to expand Medicaid to nearly 200,000 Oklahomans because the people of this state are demanding it. But make no mistake, Gov. Stitt is going about this the wrong way and every Oklahoman should be concerned about the bait and switch that is coming next.”

-Amber England, campaign manager for Yes on 802 [The Oklahoman

“We want the governor to understand how imperative this is to the lives of thousands and thousands of Oklahomans. The sooner he acts, the sooner Oklahomans can have access to the care that they need.” 

-Former State Sen. Angela Monson, OKC Chapter Lead for Together Oklahoma, calling on the governor’s office to set an election date for SQ 802 [Fox 25

“I figure if I get sick I’ll just have to pay out of my pocket.”

-Felicia Lewis, an Oklahoman without health insurance [KOCO]

“Other states aren’t standing still when it comes to investment in children, and neither should Oklahoma.”

– Shawn Hime, executive director of the Oklahoma State School Boards Association [Tulsa World]

“I would liken that to successful football teams don’t just give the quarterback the playbook. Everyone needs to be involved, and then we need to go execute it for success. Everyone needs to be involved and know the plan.”

-Krista Roberts, CEO at St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center in Enid, speaking about the need for collaboration regarding the Governor’s alternative Medicaid expansion proposal  [Enid News & Eagle

“It is also an indication that there is a bipartisan skepticism that this alternative to traditional Medicaid expansion is going to really serve the people of Oklahoma.”

-Rep. Forrest Bennett, D-Oklahoma City, speaking about the Governor’s alternative Medicaid proposal [Tulsa World

“To double the cap when we have so many critical needs I think is dangerous”

-Rep. J.J. Dossett, D-Owasso, speaking about a proposal to increase the state’s Rainy Day Fund cap [Tulsa World]

“Health care at the expense of hospitals and mental health treatment is no solution. Legislators should vote no on changes to (the Supplemental Hospital Offset Payment Program) , and Gov. Kevin Stitt should let the voters decide on State Question 802, which would expand Medicaid and bring nearly $1 billion in federal funding to Oklahoma each year to support expanded service options.” 

-Mike Brose, CEO, Mental Health Association Oklahoma  [Mike Brose / The Oklahoman]

“The Legislature has taken important steps to aid criminal justice reform, but the changes implemented over the last few years won’t be as effective without focusing on our recidivism rate as well.”

-Rep. Marilyn Stark, R-Bethany, about her bill to provide state ID cards to those released from incarceration [FOX25]